This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Oct 31, 2011 13:20
13 yrs ago
French term

soient dans définis

French to English Tech/Engineering General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters

Cela permettra d’éviter à l’avenir que les axes de développement des systèmes d’information soient dans définis sans s’assurer de la cohérence globale de la politique en matière de Systèmes d’Informations de Santé et des Réseaux de Soins.


veratek (asker) Nov 1, 2011:
spell check It's clear I receive a certain number of texts that were not even run through a spell-checker. It might be a sort of laziness. The person knows someone else is going to do it, so doesn't even think they should forward something correct in the first place... and knowing just what kind of attitudes are often fostered in schools nowadays, not surprising at all. Still a shame.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Nov 1, 2011:
What gives me cause for concern is that in these days where there are high performance tools available to check through stuff, that is only a first step. We all no doubt see in more than one language the full importance of the human element, in both his errors and his corrections!
I can comment safely here that on an English native language scientific university forum I moderate, a large number of people no longer punctuate, use capitals (not even for "I"), confuse verbs with prepositions... I find it quite shocking. I cannot believe people have become less apt to learn and use langugae of a reasonable quality. They have not. The general level today is of a level I am certain did not exist in higher education 30 years ago. I recently saw : "i would of tried to put someone's mail off of here" for "I would have tried to take someone's mail from here". This is degree level English? Scares me! Having family experience of someone with great learning difficulties, having worked in educational support, researching the biospsychology of a whole host of language and learning difficulties, I still find it hard to realize quite where the average language ability lies.
veratek (asker) Nov 1, 2011:
@Steve Have you ever set foot in a middle school or high school class in France as an adult? You'd be surprised to see just how bad education here can be. Official statistics say 50% of kids graduate from high school with deficient levels of learning. A lot of these people nevertheless find jobs afterwards. And I get to translate their writing! :-)
Steve Melling Nov 1, 2011:
Who writes these French sentences? Frightening.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Oct 31, 2011:
Noted Thanks!
veratek (asker) Oct 31, 2011:
Nikki, thanks for your interest but it's been handed in.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Oct 31, 2011:
PGSIS I have noticed that PGSIS is hiding up in the corner without any indication as to what it is doing there. It would be helpful if you could just let us know what it stands for. PG Systèmes d'Information de Santé at a guess but more context is needed.
veratek (asker) Oct 31, 2011:
So it sounds weird to you too as it is? Good to know.
Emmanuella Oct 31, 2011:
Veratek, pourriez-vous demander de vérifier le texte original?
mimi 254 Oct 31, 2011:
It could be either soient définis or soient donc définis
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Oct 31, 2011:
transcription error? ... axes de développement... soient DONC défini...
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