Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

avant. partic.

English translation:

profit on holdings; particular advantage (or benefit)

Added to glossary by Laura Hastings-Brownstein
Feb 29, 2012 19:50
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) Registry Extract (Swiss Record)
I am translating a form from Switzerland which is an extract from the registration records. It does not have much context, as there are headings, etc. with abbreviations that I am not able to figure out.

Here is the header, containing "avant", but I also do not know exactly how to translate the other abbreviations that follow this single term. I am hoping someone has translated these before and can help me figure out how to translate these abbreviations.

Apports en nature, reprises de biens, compensation de créances, avant, partie., resp., vers, suppl.

Thanks very much in advance,

Change log

Feb 29, 2012 20:00: Emanuela Galdelli changed "Term asked" from "avant (in this context)" to "avant"


Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 2, 2012:
to Rokotas Yes, that sounds right! Thanks!
Timothy Rake Mar 1, 2012:
to Rokotas good call - "versement supplémentaire" sounds quite logical!
rokotas Mar 1, 2012:
vers. suppl. Je crois plutot que 'versements supplementaires' aurait plus de sens que 'version'
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
To Timothy I agree, I think it is "version supplémentaire", as for "resp." there is a case to be made for leaving it as it is (abbreviated), which is what I used in the translation. Thanks so much for your help, Timothy!
Timothy Rake Mar 1, 2012:
to Laura as concerns the rest "resp., vers. suppl." you might think in terms of "responsable, version supplémentaire" I'm not sure how that fits with it all, but something to consider
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
To Tony Yes, you are right about the error in my OCR copy. I am really glad you pointed this situation out to me, it makes a huge difference. In fact I think I know what the abbreviation is now.
Thanks for your time and help.
Johannes Gleim Mar 1, 2012:
In fact, "avant." within the string "Apports en nature, reprises de biens, compensation de créances, avant. partie., resp., vers, suppl." looks being an abbreviation (for avantage?).
Tony M Mar 1, 2012:
@ Laura In line with KudoZ rule 2.3, please post your 2 other terms in separate questions.

Do note from your image that it is in fact 'vers. suppl.'; copying that accurately will probably help people give you the right answers.
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
Others? Does anyone know what the rest of the abbreviations after "avant. partic."?

i.e., resp., vers, suppl. Thanks!
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
To Timothy Thanks! Yes, it is a scanned copy that I am working with so I now do see that it is different. I thank you very much for your help.
Tony M Mar 1, 2012:
Agree with Timothy The term on the actual form does not appear as you have posted it here, which is confusing.

Although I wouldn't venture to suggest a translation, I certainly agree that now we know the two words are in fact abbreviated and belong together, Timothy's reading is, I feel sure, correct.
Timothy Rake Mar 1, 2012:
avant. partic. Laura, now that I see the document, I read this as also an abbreviation: "avant. partic." What I/you thought was "partie" looks as (enlarged) actually "partic." Thus, I think it reads something more like "avantage participation" = "profit on holdings" or "gain on shares"
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
Here is an image Here is an image of the form. I have removed the identifying text: ProZ.jpg
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
To Timothy Yes, I am sure that is it. It is asking for options of a corporation's status. I would post an image file of the form, but it is confidential for my client, so I don't think it would be proper for me to do so. What you have suggested is what I needed. Please post as an answer so I can give you the points.
Laura Hastings-Brownstein (asker) Mar 1, 2012:
Re: Table Yes, it is like a table. It is a form with headers followed by blank areas where the company inputs the information. It is a record which is held in the Registry of a Swiss canton.
Thanks, Laura
Johannes Gleim Mar 1, 2012:
Is this a table, with column headings?
Timothy Rake Mar 1, 2012:
avant could this refer to a "pre-pay" option. As in "in-kind shares, recovery of goods, offset indebtedness, pre-pay, in part, ...." and then I don't have any idea. What does this extract concern?

Proposed translations

4 days
French term (edited): avant(age) partic(ulier)

particular advantage (or benefit)

Je pense que "Apports en nature, reprises de biens, compensation de créances, avantage particulier, respectivement, versement, supplémentaire" (voir la référence) soit raisonnable pour composer le capital social. Je veux donc répondre à la question en conséquence.

No much possibilities for what „partic.“ may signify acc. my dictionaries for law and commerce.

Found terms like “participant”, “participation”, “participer” and “particulier”.
Unfortunately I cannot support Timothy’s suggestion for "avantage participation" = "profit on holdings" or "gain on shares", as the complete phrase deals with capital contributions, and none of these terms would fit the context. The only remaining signification is “particulier”. Moreover, my dictionary has listed the term “avantage particulier”, also noted by IATE:
"avant. partic.", is an abbreviated composition, what means "avantage particulier"
translated to:
particular benefits or payments in kind

prestation dispensée en nature
avantage en nature
rémunération en nature
prestation en nature
payment in kind
benefit in kind

avantage particulier
besonderer Vorteil
special advantage
particular benefit
special privilege
special benefit
Peer comment(s):

agree rokotas : in response to Tony M's comment on my posting
1 hr
Saw now Tony's comment. Thank you!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Johannes!"
10 hrs
French term (edited): avant. partic.

avantages particuliers

une hypothese
Note from asker:
Thank you, Rokotas!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : Seems likely! But what would you suggest for the EN?
4 days
Johannes Gleim has put it exactly as I would see it
agree Johannes Gleim : Thank you, this corresponds exactly to particular avantages.
4 days
Something went wrong...
2 days 23 hrs


Here are the other words
1. apports en nature contributions in kind
2. reprises de biens return of assets
3. compensation de créances compensation claim
4. partie party
5. resp. (responsables) officials or managers
6. vers towards
7. suppl. supplementary
Note from asker:
Thanks for trying to help, but these words are not being used in a straight forward manner in this document. Just to translate them as "party", "towards", etc. is not appropriate. Of course I know how to translate these words, but not in this context. Unfortunately, I had put in parentheses "in this context" but some well-meaning ProZ member removed that caveat. But, seriously, any high school student of French could translate these words thusly. Most of us here on ProZ are professional translators, so if one has a question on a simple term such as this, the context is the problem.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : Did you miss the discussion, Jessie? Asker has posted an image of the form, where it can clearly be seen that some of these words are abbreviations or misspelt. / There is a hot link in the 5th entry by Asker in 'discussion' above
7 mins
So sorry, but I do not see any form posted. Could you direct me?
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

23 hrs

Je comprends la phrase comme suivant :

"Apports en nature, reprises de biens, compensation de créances, avant. partie., resp., vers, suppl."

peut être traduis à

„Sacheinlagen, Sachübernahmen, Forderungsaufrechnungen, bzw. Teil-Sachleistungen, Nachschüsse“ en Allemand,
"Contribution (investment) in kind, acquisition (transfer) of assets, offsetting of debts and claims, benefits (payments) in kind, respectively, subsequent payment (additional contribution)" en Anglais.


Terminus apport en nature
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus Sacheinlage
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus investment in kind
Zuverlässigkeit 2 (Mindestzuverlässigkeit)

Terminus contribution in kind
Zuverlässigkeit 2 (Mindestzuverlässigkeit) en nature&sourceLanguage=fr&domain=0&matching=&start=0&next=1&targetLanguages=de&targetLanguages=en&targetLanguages=fr

Definition Acte juridique,passé entre les fondateurs ou la société et un tiers par lequel la société prend l'engagement de reprendre de ce tiers divers biens en nature contre paiement d'une certaine somme en espèces.
Terminus reprise de biens
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Definition Abmachung,die im Gründungsstadium vorsieht,dass die Gesellschaft gewisse Vermögenswerte entgeltlich übernehmen soll.
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus transfer of assets
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)
Kontext If the Company acquires assets from shareholders or third parties,or if it intends to make such acquisition of assets,the articles of incorporation shall indicate the object,the name of the alienator,and the consideration to be given by the Company.
Terminus acquisition of assets
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)
Kontext If the Company acquires assets from shareholders or third parties,or if it intends to make such acquisition of assets,the articles of incorporation shall indicate the object,the name of the alienator,and the consideration to be given by the Company. de biens&sourceLanguage=fr&domain=0&matching=&start=0&next=1&targetLanguages=de&targetLanguages=en&targetLanguages=fr

Definition procédé de règlement comptable entre deux ou plusieurs parties qui permet de limiter l'utilisation des moyens de paiement au règlement du solde net
Terminus compensation de dettes et créances
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus Kompensation der Verbindlichkeiten und Forderungen
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus offsetting of debts and claims
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig) de créances&sourceLanguage=fr&domain=0&matching=&start=0&next=1&targetLanguages=de&targetLanguages=en&targetLanguages=fr

Terminus prestation dispensée en nature
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus avantage en nature
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus rémunération en nature
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus prestation en nature
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)

Terminus Sachbezug
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus geldwerte Leistung
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus Sachleistung
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus Naturalvergütung
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)

Terminus payment in kind
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft)
Terminus benefit in kind
Zuverlässigkeit 1 (Zuverlässigkeit nicht überprüft) en nature&sourceLanguage=fr&domain=0&matching=&start=0&next=1&targetLanguages=de&targetLanguages=en&targetLanguages=fr

Terminus versement supplémentaire
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus zusätzliche Zahlung
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig)

Terminus additional payment
Zuverlässigkeit 3 (Zuverlässig) supplémentaire&sourceLanguage=fr&domain=0&matching=&start=0&next=1&targetLanguages=de&targetLanguages=en&targetLanguages=fr
Note from asker:
Thank you very much, Johannes. This is very thorough and very helpful! Laura
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