Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

actifs d'impots

English translation:

tax assets

Added to glossary by Julia Gal
Jul 13, 2001 06:53
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

Les actifs d'impots

French to English Bus/Financial
Les actifs d'impots a long terme sont relatifs essentiellement aux pensions et indemnites de depart a la retraite ainsi qu'aux provisions pour risques non deductibles.

Proposed translations

7 hrs

tax asset

I think "tax asset" is the term you want, especially if you're in financial statements: "impôt différé actifpassif" is generally translated as "deferred tax asset/liability" and is part of the balance sheet assets. A tax asset may or may not be a tax credit - a quick websearch for both phrases showed up phrases such as:

Income Tax
... fourth quarter of $26 million. Included as a current tax asset is $25 million representing
a tax credit due on the payment of supplementary dividends that will ... contents/income_tax.html - 51k

WSTL SEC Filings Management Discussion: Investor - MSN ...
... $43.3 million at June 30, 2000. This deferred tax asset relates to (i) tax credit
carryforwards of approximately $4.7 million, (ii) a net operating loss ... - 29k

Good luck
Peer comment(s):

agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : Clear explanation, short & to the point.
21 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for your help and for the references."
14 mins

Tax Debit

Tax Credit

Peer comment(s):

disagree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : There's a world of difference between debit and credit, altho' it does depend from whose point of view...
16 hrs
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3 hrs

tax obligations

These are not yet debits, only obligations that will come due later (à long terme)
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6 hrs

Tax credits

This presumes the future and would fit in with "à long terme".
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