Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Commercial Off the Shelf
Swedish translation:
Added to glossary by
Monica Berntsson
Feb 26, 2003 15:22
21 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term
Commercial Off the Shelf
English to Swedish
En verksamhetsbeskrivning: "For the RBS70 project, portions of the hardware required is assumed to be Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS).
The QA activities for this hardware will be limited to the selection of proper suppliers, and the receiving inspection."
The QA activities for this hardware will be limited to the selection of proper suppliers, and the receiving inspection."
Proposed translations
4 +2 | standardkomponenter | Klas Törnquist |
Proposed translations
7 mins
...eller något liknande. Alltså sådana som finns att köpa "på hyllan" och inte behöver specialutvecklas för ifrågavarande robot (?). Brukar bli mycket billigare.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Tack för hjälpen!"
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