May 19, 2012 16:00
12 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

is the subject of an indicated report filed

English to Spanish Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Law
I have a doubt with this sentence:

"The adoptive parents are the subject of, or another person named in, an indicated report filed with such register"

What does "are the subject of, or another person named in"

Thanks in advance!
Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 +1 (véase a continuación)


Marta Moreno Lobera May 19, 2012:
Bueno, en principio, creo que la entrada del glosario la puede modificar directamente el "asker" antes de cerrar la pregunta (si quiere hacer una entrada en el glosario). Es decir, el "asker" tiene la opción de realizar la entrada de glosario que él/ella desee. Por otra parte, yo he entendido bastante bien que lo que se requería era aclarar el sentido general de la frase, a pesar de la divergencia inicial. Saludos.
María Diehn May 19, 2012:
My comment addresses a structural matter Please see how your entry would appear as a glossary entry if the question is not edited,

Source text: "is the subject of an indicated report filed"

Target text: "(véase a continuación)"

[or ""El objeto del informe presentado/formalizado ante... lo constituyen los padres adoptivos, o cualquier otra persona citada en ese informe..."]

I believe that questions need to be clearly stated before we can provide any answer.
Marta Moreno Lobera May 19, 2012:
En principio, creo que la propuesta está bastante clara. Yo entiendo que se trata de dar un sentido general a la frase. Saludos ;)
María Diehn May 19, 2012:
Perhaps you need to edit your question? I understand that you need to know the meaning of this text segment: "are the subject of, or another person named

in," but the English term or phrase that has to be translated is a different one: "is the subject of an indicated

report." I believe that for clarity sake you need to edit your question.

Proposed translations

32 mins

(véase a continuación)

"El objeto del informe presentado/formalizado ante... lo constituyen los padres adoptivos, o cualquier otra persona citada en ese informe..."
Peer comment(s):

agree Natalia Pedrosa : Pues shí.
31 mins
Gracias de nuevo. ¡Saludos!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
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