Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

warranty of tort

Russian translation:

деликт или нарушение гарантии

Added to glossary by Ekaterina Zaremba
Nov 17, 2013 15:33
11 yrs ago
English term

warranty of tort

English to Russian Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) гарантии
In no event, whether as a result of a breach of contract, "warranty of tort" (including negligence and strict liability) or otherwise, shall the COMPANY or its subcontractors be liable to the DEALER for any loss of profit or revenue, loss of use of the Products, cost of capital, downtime costs, costs of substitute products, facilities, service or any other indirect damages arising in connection with the Agreement or related Agreements.

Proposed translations

7 mins

деликт или нарушение гарантии

опечатка -- breach of contract, warranty or tort
компания не несет ответственности за косвенные убытки вследствие деликта, нарушения гарантии или договора -- стандартная формулировка
Peer comment(s):

agree Anna Isaeva
5 hrs
agree Alexander Kozhukhov
6 hrs
disagree danya : торт есть не всякий деликт
15 hrs
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