Sep 26, 2007 03:58
17 yrs ago
English term
pilot mounted
English to Russian
Engineering (general)
рук-во по экспл. рубильной машины
The hog has two main flange mounted bearings which support the rotor. The rotor bearing assembly consists of a spherical roller bearing which is installed in a flange mount housing. The housing is pilot mounted to a 3 inch thick bearing block for additional support.
The FAG 22234 EASK M C3 double row spherical roller bearing is a type “E” design, which is a high capacity spherical roller bearing design. The bearing is attached to the rotor shaft by a tapered adapter sleeve.
The hog has two main flange mounted bearings which support the rotor. The rotor bearing assembly consists of a spherical roller bearing which is installed in a flange mount housing. The housing is pilot mounted to a 3 inch thick bearing block for additional support.
The FAG 22234 EASK M C3 double row spherical roller bearing is a type “E” design, which is a high capacity spherical roller bearing design. The bearing is attached to the rotor shaft by a tapered adapter sleeve.
Proposed translations
2 +3 | закреплен с помощью направляющих выступов | Enote |
Proposed translations
43 mins
закреплен с помощью направляющих выступов
в креплениях pilot - это то, что вставляется в паз (keyway), но не отдельная деталь (шпонка), а выступ на закрепляемой части.
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