Jan 30, 2006 21:10
18 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term


English to Romanian Art/Literary Poetry & Literature literature
Can anybody give me a helping hand with the translation of the following phrase: "you have excellent strategies to combat overthinking"? Could you give me a synonym for "overthinking"? The synonim can be in English French,Romanian or Italian.
Thank you

Proposed translations

10 mins

raţionament circular

[PDF] The Backbone
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
explains what overthinking is (unproductive circular. thinking and reasoning)
and what it isn’t ... readers as they learn how common overthinking is. ...
www.civilizedassertiveness.com/membersonly-pdf/BB-03-04.pdf - Similar pages

Ordinea proprietăţii private
Raţionament circular. Adică n-am făcut nimic, căci ne-am întors de unde am pornit
fără a rezolva problema. Iar dacă am insista, printr-un curat meşteşug de ...
www.misesromania.org/opp/august04/opp_04c.htm - 55k - Cached - Similar pages

Just a thought.
Peer comment(s):

agree Romanian Translator (X)
7 mins
agree Cristiana Coblis
11 hrs
agree aurafas : adicatelea te invarti in jurul cozii :)
11 hrs
Mulţumesc :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr

gandire preaplina

find vorba de un text literar as traduce asfel :

ai suficiente strategii sa te impotrivesti unei gindiri preapline /
unei minti excesive
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2 hrs

sa gandesti in van

" stii asa bine sa nu gandesti in van"
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10 hrs

gandire obsesiva // idee obsedanta

We are suffering from an epidemic of overthinking--caught in torrents of negative thoughts and emotions that overwhelm us and interfere with our functioning and well-being."
Peer comment(s):

agree iulian dobreanu : ai suficiente cai sa nu te lasi prada gandurilor obsedante.
10 hrs
multumesc, iulian:)
agree Camelia Manea : de acord cu iulian. pacat ca nu avem mai mult din context, ca sa intelegem daca e vorba de o discutie intre prieteni, sau intre profesionisti (medici, etc) Poti spune si 'psihoza', 'obsesii', depinde despre ce este vorba.
10 days
multumesc, camelia :)
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14 hrs

lipsă de acţiune

dispui de nişte strategii minunate pentru combaterea lipsei de acţiune...
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1 day 1 hr


Eating, Drinking, Overthinking : The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression--and How Women Can Break Free

Titlul unui always-a-paperback găsit pe Amazon. În cazul ăsta, grijile (anxietatea) duc la depresie.
It's overdoing your thinking, as it were :)
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