Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

power to issue shares in the capital original or increased

Romanian translation:

dreptul de a emite actiuni aferente capitalului initial sau majorat

Added to glossary by Veronica Costea
Dec 19, 2008 20:57
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

power to issue shares in the capital original or increased

English to Romanian Bus/Financial Finance (general)
the shared capital of the company is ... divided into .. shares of ... euro each with*** power to issue any of the shares in the capital original or increased***, with or subject to any preferential, special or qualified rights or conditions as regards dividends, repayment of capital, voting or otherwise.
Proposed translations (Romanian)
4 +5 dreptul de a emite actiuni aferente capitalului initial sau majorat


Anca Nitu Dec 20, 2008:
"the obvious" este: dreptul de a emite actiuni aferente capitalului initial sau majorat care e mot-a-mot
ce ma intriga este ca nu se leaga de restul contextului prea bine
dreptul de a emite actiuni este subinteles oricarei societati pe actiuni la capital net sau majorta sau cum o fi el
din context se intelege ca the shares.. of X Euro each , have the power to issue any shares ceea ce e un nonsens
ar putea fi:
the shared capital of the company is ... divided into .. shares of ... euro each with*** power to issue any of the shares in the capital original or increased***, with or subject to any preferential, special or qualified rights or conditions as regards dividends, repayment of capital, voting or otherwise.
capitalul social al companiei X consta in actiuni de valoarea Y, in cadrul societatii actionarii au dreptul sa decida emiterea de actiuni in limita valorii capitalului initial sau majorat
dar aceasta declaratie e redundanta intrucat de obicei ei au acest drept implicit
de unde si nedumerirea mea
Veronica Costea (asker) Dec 19, 2008:
Tocmai! Uff, credeam că sunt eu atât de obosită încât îmi scapă ”the obvious” :)
Exact așa apare în document (ce pare a fi redactat de la cap la coadă de o persoană care pur și simplu nu crede în virgule!) și e singurul loc unde apare, chiar la final (e vorba de un act constitutiv al unei societăți comerciale). Cu punctuația am mai suplimentat eu, dar aici pare a fi o problemă mai gravă. Nu înțeleg nimic! Ajutooor! :(
Anca Nitu Dec 19, 2008:
capitalul social al companiei consta din X actiuni cu valoarea de Y Euro
Toate bune pana aici
Acum insa intra elefantii:
shares with X Euro each with*** power to issue any of the shares in the capital original or increased***
puterea de a emite actiuni pare sa apartina ... actiunilor in acest context
Lipseste ceva
Mai apare expresia si in alta parte sau numai aici?

Proposed translations

1 hr

dreptul de a emite actiuni aferente capitalului initial sau majorat

the shared capital of the company is ... divided into .. shares of ... euro each (,) with power to issue any of the shares in the capital (,) original or increased , with or subject to any preferential, special or qualified rights or conditions as regards dividends, repayment of capital, voting or otherwise.


the shared capital of the company is ... divided into .. shares of ... euro each with power (for the company) to issue any of the shares in the capital (,) original or increased, with or subject to any preferential, special or qualified rights or conditions as regards dividends, repayment of capital, voting or otherwise.

O cautare pe Google dupa 'capital original or increased' duce la mai multe texte asemanatoare, printre care:$File/SARAWAK%20OIL%20PALMS%20BERHAD%20-%20Notice%20of%20EGM.doc

Peer comment(s):

12 hrs
agree Andreea Sepi, MCIL (X) : yep! cred ca asta e.
15 hrs
agree Tradeuro Language Services
17 hrs
agree Iosif JUHASZ
1 day 18 hrs
agree natalina83 (X)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulţumesc pentru clarificare şi pentru explicaţiile detaliate :)"
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