Dec 15, 2004 16:10
19 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

alter ego

English to Romanian Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Este vorba despre sensul economic al termenului (societate controlata integral si folosita drept paravan de o persoana, de obicei fizica; in tarile vorbitoare de engleza, este ilegala).
Ma gandeam la echivalentul "societate fantoma" - vi se pare potrivit? Multumesc.

Proposed translations

16 hrs

vezi mai jos

Initial m-am gandit ca ar fi vorba de o societate tip "vehicul", termenul imprumutat care nu exista in legea romana, insa in limbajul juridic din Romania se foloseste, asa cum se mai foloseste si termenul de societate tip "scoica" ("shell company"), dar tot cautand pe internet, am gasit acest site, care mi s-a parut edificator, si m-am gandit la termenul de "agent" sau "filiala". Vezi mai jos:

"Many cases arising under F.R.Civ.Proc. 4(h)(1) have addressed whether a domestic subsidiary of a foreign corporation will be deemed to be the "agent” or alter ego of the foreign parent for service of process purposes.

In other cases, courts in various U.S. jurisdictions have found there to be an "agency” or "alter ego” relationship between a foreign parent and its U.S.-based subsidiary, so as to allow the U.S.-based subsidiary to be served on behalf of its foreign parent."

Iata si care ar fi teoria "alter ego", care pare a fi legata strict de raspunderea societatii, in care detinatorul unei astfel de societati pretinde ca a administrat societatea ca si cand aceasta ar fi o entitate separata (iar creditorul trebuie sa dovedeasca contrariul, adica faptul ca este o societate "alter ego").

"Alter Ego Theory
Under the alter ego theory, the creditor seeking to pierce the veil of limited liability must prove that the owner did not operate his limited liability company (LLC) or corporation as if it were a separate legal entity.
It is this "separateness" that forms the basis for limited liability. Ordinarily, the LLC and corporation are recognized as separate legal entities, and each is responsible for its own debts. The owner, as a separate person, has no personal liability for the business entity's debts.
Accordingly, as long as the owner respects this separateness, the business entity will continue to be recognized as a separate entity, and the business entity itself (and not the owner, who is a separate person) will be responsible for the business's debts. The most the owner can lose will be what has been invested into the business entity. In other words, the owner will have limited liability for the business's debts.
Conversely, if this separateness is not apparent in the way the business owner operates the LLC or corporation, there is no basis for limited liability. In short, if the owner acts as if the LLC or corporation is not a separate legal entity, but instead just another side of the owner (i.e., his alter ego), the court may rule that the owner and the entity are one and the same. Thus, the owner will, out of necessity, have unlimited, personal liability for all of the business's debts.
In general, avoiding the alter ego theory means operating the business entities in ways that steer clear of the factual patterns wherein courts have applied the theory. As suggested throughout this discussion on asset protection, the owner should form an LLC or statutory close corporation, and then must separate and document ownership of assets.
Further, the formalities regarding division of authority within the entity, required meetings and recordkeeping must be observed.
Finally, the owner must separate his or her financial affairs from the entity's financial affairs, as well as separating the financial affairs among all operating entities."

Eu as opta pentru termenul "vehicul", care, in opinia mea, este cel mai apropiat ca sens.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Bogdan Burghelea : "filiala" sau "sucursala" in nici un caz, deoarece au definitii cit se poate de clare in terminologia de specialitate romana. De aceea nu am dat "disagree"
7 hrs
Dupa cum vezi, nu am dat un raspuns in sensul acesta, ci am spus ca as opta pentru varianta "vehicul", desi cred ca cel mai "safe" ar fi ca termenul sa ramana netradus si sa fie explicat... :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc mult pentru teoria alter ego. Am pastrat termenul la care ma gandisem pentru ca inseamna aproximativ acelasi lucru - societate care teoretic functioneaza legal, dar nu are activitate proprie (si, la noi, este folosita pentru emiterea de documente fiscale pe numele acesteia, iar in UK incorporeaza vointa unei persoane fizice)."
1 hr

un alt eu

provine din latina, de la filozoful stoic grec Zenon care isi aprecia prietenii numindu-i alter ego.Se exprima uzual "bratul meu drept"persoana careia i-am incredintat o misiune si are mandatul de a vorbi si a decide in numele cuiva.In textul tau nu sunt sigura dar sper sa ajuta.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Elvira Stoianov : sunt aproape sigura ca Veronica stia care este sensul general, iar acest raspuns nu pare sa se potriveasca in contextul dat (fiind vorba de un tip de companie)
1 hr
neutral Bogdan Burghelea : Elvira are dreptate, nu acest raspuns cauta Veronica
2 hrs
neutral Cristiana Coblis : sintagma inexistenta in lb. romana in limbaj comercial
16 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs


... parca zice doctrina (si Flavius Baias in lucrarea sa de doctorat despre simulatie)
Peer comment(s):

agree Oana Clapa : cum sa nu. asa l-am intalnit si eu de nenumarate ori
9 hrs
agree Mihaela Sinca
23 hrs
agree DocT
1 day 15 hrs
Something went wrong...
11 hrs

alter ego

Pastrarea latinescul "alter ego" nu prezinta dupa mine o problema in limba romana, si in plus pastrati intacta intreaga bogatie semantica a termenului.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Bogdan Burghelea : :-O
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
17 hrs

societate paravan

Sau companie paravan. Se foloseste si varianta cu liniuta de unire societate-paravan (al doilea subst. fiind invariabil).

intre compania norvegiana si Horton Investments, aceasta din urma fiind un cabinet
londonez de consultanta suspectat ca ar fi o societate - paravan in profitul ...

...unui contract, in valoare de 300 de milioane de dolari, dintre o societate din Israel ...
este un magazin de lux si a fost folosita drept paravan pentru reciclarea ...

Societate fantoma (cu vantianta mai stricta societate-fantoma) pare sa insemne si sa fie larg folosit pentru a desemna societati care de fapt nu sunt inmatriculate deci nu au acte in regula. In cazul de fata, dupa cate inteleg eu este o societate cu acte in regula.

Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu
11 mins
mersi :)
agree DocT
1 day 2 hrs
agree Marcella Magda
2 days 7 hrs
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