Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Romanian translation:

determinarea obiectivelor prin prisma rezultatelor dorite

Added to glossary by Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Apr 23, 2009 17:17
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to Romanian Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
"...the successful strategies of some of the world's best companies can be explained by the outcome-to-objective framework. The first step to create an organization capable of adopting this framework is to use core objectives to help create a common doctrine."

a marketing book about business strategies
Change log

Apr 24, 2009 18:30: Sandra & Kenneth Grossman Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

36 mins

De la rezultate la obiective

Determinarea obiectivelor pe baza rezulatului dorit determinat initial.
Teoria e discutata aici:

"Focus on Desired Outcomes to Identify Multiple Options" si
"Outcome To (Competitive) Objective"
"By asking the customers (users in this case) about the current product, it is usually impossible to get ideas for new products that will satisfy the customers' needs when they see it. Most companies try to focus on marginally improving the existing internal outputs (which lead to the current products or services) by investing in new capabilities. However, if you do this, you are invariably taken to the same playing field as your competitors, and you become vulnerable to competitive risks. You want to deliver what the customer truly wants by using a product or service configuration that is different from existing competitors. This reduces competitive risk without being vulnerable to demand risk. By considering outcomes instead of outputs (products or services), you increase your odds of visualizing multiple internal outputs that lead to new, sometimes radically new, product or service configurations that other competitors are not considering.

Note added at 39 mins (2009-04-23 17:57:01 GMT)

In the outcome-objective view:
* Alternatives are defined by the desired outcomes.
* Competitive objectives (this includes your outputs that satisfy the customers' desired outcomes) are stated with greater clarity. (This is the kernel of your business model.)

* Focusing on outcomes makes it easier to identify multiple competitive objectives.

Note added at 1 hr (2009-04-23 18:39:39 GMT)

Failsafe Strategies: Profit and Grow from Risks that Others Avoid * By Sayan Chatterjee.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "as inclina tot spre determinarea obiectivelor prin prisma rezultatelor dorite... va multumesc tuturor pentru sugestiile voastre"
5 mins

rezultat final versus obiective

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14 mins

cadru de lucru care sa duca la un rezultat conform obiectivelor propuse

rezultat conform obiectivelor

Note added at 15 mins (2009-04-23 17:32:55 GMT)

am vorbit cu un amic american si mi-a explicat cam acelasi lucru... :)

Note added at 16 mins (2009-04-23 17:34:30 GMT)

acum chiar sunt sigura 100%. mi-a confirmat ca este corect :)
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20 mins

realizarea obiectivelor (în cadrul managementului prin obiective)

Metoda magementului prin obiective este una din metodele managementului strategic.
Metode de management
Orice companie este unica prin modul de organizare si conducere a afacerii, este unica prin modul in care intelege sa implementeze diverse metode de management recomandate de practica tarilor cu economii de piata bine dezvoltate. Dintre cele mai cunoscute metode de management, amintim: managementul prin obiective, prin proiecte, prin bugete.
Managementul prin obiective se bazeaza prin stabilirea cat mai riguroasa a obiectivelor specifice si a sarcinilor derivate ce revin fiecarei componente a structurii organizatorice a companiei astfel incat sa se realizeze obiectivele generale ale firmei.
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15 hrs

Sistem (de lucru) generator de rezultate orientate catre obiective

Cred ca "framework" trebuie explicitat prin "outcome-to-objectives", de aceea am ales "sistem", iar nu "cadru de lucru", care mi se pare putin fortat.

E vorba de o strategie generatoare de rezultate care trebuie sa corespunda unor obiective prestabilite.
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