Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

boiler room

Romanian translation:

a room staffed with telemarketers

Added to glossary by humbird
Sep 22, 2005 22:08
18 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term

boiler room

English to Romanian Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) literature
nu se refera la camera unde se afla boilere, ci mai degraba la afaceri ilicite sau metode de vanzare persuasive,
Change log

Sep 22, 2005 23:50: sarahl (X) changed "Language pair" from "English" to "English to Romanian"

Sep 23, 2005 06:48: Dan Marasescu changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Sep 23, 2005 10:08: Maria Diaconu changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Bus/Financial" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Business/Commerce (general)"


Maria Diaconu Sep 28, 2005:
�i p�n� la urm� �n ce limb� voiai traducerea?
Lucica Abil (X) Sep 26, 2005:
poate daca dadeai ceva context, colegilor le-ar fi fost mai usor sa gaseasca un echivalent in limba romana
Carmen Schultz Sep 22, 2005:
is this Romanian??
Hacene Sep 22, 2005:
wrong language pair

Proposed translations

33 mins

a room staffed with telemarketers

As Hacene said this is wrong language combination and I even cannot read the sentence. However you said this is a monolingual question and term in question is in English, so I assumed you want to know what it is in English.
Then, see this link for dictionary definitions. room

First is litaral, second is colloquial expression we hear often in daily basis (at least in America).

Note added at 5 days (2005-09-28 16:26:43 GMT) Post-grading

Incidentally in the US, there is a Federal regulation called "Do not Call" law. This is because those telemarketing efforts are getting so high-pressured and so annoying to most of households that people (I myself for one) register their phone number under this law. Boiler room callers (i.e. telemarketers) are fined severely if they called these phone numbers.
Just for your further reference.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
7 mins

A place where boiling is carried on (salt, sugar, vinegar, etc.)

From the New Oxford Shorter Dictionary

Also called a boilery
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1 hr

literally the room containing the boiler(s) - see below

'boiler room' is usually used in large buildings to describe the room that houses the boiler(s) for hot water and central heating.
A boiler room - a room where a boiler is kept

However, it has many more different connotation in business,
See references below:

An enterprise which often is operated out of inexpensive, low-rent quarters (hence the term "boiler room") that uses high pressure sales tactics (generally over the telephone) and possibly false or misleading information to solicit generally unsophisticated investors.

A place where unscrupulous salespeople sell speculative or worthless stock to unwitting investors.

A boiler room is a stock brokerage firm that uses aggressive tactics to sell risky, and sometimes falsified, stocks to willing investors. Boiler rooms often use sales methods that violate NASD rules requiring brokers to recommend investments that appropriate to each investors portfolio. For example, a broker working in a boiler room might try to sell very speculative stock to retired investors whose portfolios cannot tolerate such high risk. Many boiler room brokers may also try to create investor interest in companies that dont actually exist in order to profit from the sale of fraudulent shares.

Term often used to describe a brokerage firm or other sales organization where investors are aggressively solicited over the telephone; often associated with high-pressure telephone sales tactics in connection with penny stocks and other risky investments.

An unflattering term used to describe the place of business of high-pressure telemarketers.

A base of operations from which con artists launch fraudulent telemarketing scams, schemes and swindles. These may be a rented office, a basement in a home or any other place where the perpetrator can establish a bank of telephones and cold callers can operate undisturbed. They are called boiler rooms because they are a “high pressure” environment.

The term Boiler room may refer to

The term boiler room in business refers to a busy center of activity, often telemarketing or other types of sales. The term carries a negative connotation, and is often used to imply high-pressure sales tactics and sometimes, poor working conditions.

Boiler Room is a 2000 drama / thriller film, written and directed by Ben Younger, and starring Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel and Nia Long. The film is a testosterone-fuelled, often fast-paced look at the shady world of stock brokering, following college dropout Seth David (Ribisi) as he tries to prove himself to his acerbic father (played by Ron Rifkin). The film is often unfavorably compared to Wall Street - Boiler Room also attempts to comment on the moral status of modern America - but in gener
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu : the asker wanted it in Romanian, but anyway I agree with your definition referring to the business connotation - this is what it is about here
10 hrs
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11 hrs

compartiment al caldarilor marine

Vezi dictionarul tehnic englez-roman al Editurii Tehnice
Peer comment(s):

disagree Maria Diaconu : nici o legătură cu dicţionarul tehnic - îmi permit să-ţi atrag atenţia asupra explicaţiei date de asker şi asupra definiţiilor date mai sus în engleză; scuze pentru encoding
53 mins
disagree Bogdan Honciuc : acelasi motiv cu cel prezentat de maria.
12 hrs
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12 hrs

firmă care se ocupă cu afaceri ilicite

Greu de redat sensul... în engleză termenul implică mai multe, vezi definiţiile date mai sus în engleză, dar nu cred că în română avem un termen intrat în uz pentru aşa ceva.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Bogdan Honciuc : incorecte, nu ilicite (adica ilegale). afacerile pot fi ok dpdv legal dar practicile necinstite
11 hrs
Mulţumesc, Bogdan, remarca e pertinentă. Dar mai răspunsesem o dată, nu înţeleg de ce mi-a dispărut răspunsul - bug?
agree Mihai Badea (X) : Depinde de context. "A base of operations from which con artists launch fraudulent telemarketing scams, schemes and swindles"
1 day 8 hrs
Mulţumesc, depinde, văd că sunt mai multe variante de definiţie
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13 hrs

societate cu practici comerciale abuzive si inselatoare

depinde de context
o varianta
societate care practica tactici agresive si abuzive de vanzare
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu : de acord, e o descriere mai inspirată
52 mins
agree Bogdan Honciuc
9 hrs
agree Mihai Badea (X)
1 day 6 hrs
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