Jan 6, 2003 09:22
22 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term
equitable ownership
English to Polish
Ownership under civil law is just one indication of an asset being capitalizable; essential are the underlying basic economic conditions (beneficial or equitable ownership).
Proposed translations
4 | wlasnosc beneficyjna (equitable ownership) |
Jacek Krankowski (X)
![]() |
Proposed translations
25 mins
wlasnosc beneficyjna (equitable ownership)
propozycja na podstawie Slownika prawa P.Collina
(trust beneficiary = wlasciciel beneficyjny, tj. ktorego majatek jest zarzadzany przez powiernika)
Tu sie zaczynaja abstrakty, ktore nie sposob przetlumaczyc, bo nie maja odpowiednikow w polskim prawie, w zwiazku z czym nie jestem pewien, czy odpowiedzi na poprzednie pytania o "equitable" sa w pelni satysfakcjonujace.
equitable ownership = the ownership interest of one who has equitable as contrasted with legal ownership of property as in the case of a trust beneficiary.
equitable interest = the interest of a beneficiary under a trust is considered equitable as contrasted with the interest of the trustee which is a legal interest
(Black's Law Dictionary)
legal interest = tytul prawny
(trust beneficiary = wlasciciel beneficyjny, tj. ktorego majatek jest zarzadzany przez powiernika)
Tu sie zaczynaja abstrakty, ktore nie sposob przetlumaczyc, bo nie maja odpowiednikow w polskim prawie, w zwiazku z czym nie jestem pewien, czy odpowiedzi na poprzednie pytania o "equitable" sa w pelni satysfakcjonujace.
equitable ownership = the ownership interest of one who has equitable as contrasted with legal ownership of property as in the case of a trust beneficiary.
equitable interest = the interest of a beneficiary under a trust is considered equitable as contrasted with the interest of the trustee which is a legal interest
(Black's Law Dictionary)
legal interest = tytul prawny
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