Jun 4, 2001 11:23
23 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Proposed translations

16 hrs


Viene anche usato come agente neoplastico. Ho sempre trovato ammide con due 'm' in tutti i testi in cui ho studiato. Anche il vocabolario IL GOuld Chiampo lo riporta con due 'm'. Non sono al corrente dei suoi usi per lo stress. Puoi dare ulteriori informazioni? Interessa anche a me!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie:sto facendo la tesi sullo stress e ancora non ne so molto."
28 mins


/saKkl@U'fQsf@maKd/ n C/U (med) ciclofosfamide.

diz Picchi

Peer comment(s):

34 mins
DR. RICHARD BAVRY (X) : the asker wanted info relative to stress
55 mins
gianfranco : the asker should say what they want exactly
3 hrs
Giovanna Graziani : No! We are require to help with TRANSLATION, not info. Info is welcome, so far it supports the translation proposal.
14 hrs
marina callegari
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr


Google gave many hits for “cyclophosphamide” +stress.

For a pertinent example see


Donald E. Goodkin
Associate Professor of Neurology
Medical Director
UCSF MT/Zion Multiple Sclerosis Center
February 15, 1999

Cyclophosphamide (CTX) is an alkylating agent that possesses both cytotoxic and immunosuppressant properties. It was developed as a result of a specific effort to create an agent with greater selectivity for neoplastic tissue than mechlorethamine, which was the first of the nitrogen mustards [1. Its cytotoxic activity stems from its ability to disrupt fundamental mechanisms of cell growth including mitotic activity, and differentiation. Its immunosuppressant action is due to the preferential sensitivity of lymphocytes to this drug.

CTX is well absorbed orally and also administrable intravenously, intramuscularly, intrapleurally, and intraperitoneally. The drug is metabolized in the liver to active metabolites, which are then transported to target sites by the circulatory system.

The rationale for using an immunosuppressant such as CTX is based in part on the perception that an abnormal level of activation of immune system function exists in MS patients. Abnormal activation could arise from antigenic stimulation or loss of normal suppression of immune system function, or both. Data supporting this hypothesis in untreated MS patients include; (1) decreased CD4+CD45R+ (suppressor inducer) T cells in the blood, (2) increased numbers of activated T cells in the blood, spinal fluid, and brain (3) increased CD4+CDw29+ (helper inducer) T cells , and decreased CD4+CD45R+ T cells in the spinal fluid and brain and, (4) increased oligoclonal IgG production in the spinal fluid [2]. CTX can normalize some of these findings seen in MS patients. For example, monthly intravenous CTX administration in doses ranging from 1000-2000mg/m2 results in a marked reduction of T helper/inducer cells and less striking decrease in suppressor/cytotoxic cells in MS patients [3]. These and other potentially beneficial effects of CTX last long enough to suggest practical therapeutic utility. Monthly pulses of intravenous CTX for 1 year induced reductions in suppressor/cytotoxic cells and associated natural killer (NK) cells and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity functions lasting for 1-2 months. Additionally, reduced B cell and FcR+ cell numbers in these patients recovered in 2-4 months, and the recovery of helper cell subsets and total T cell numbers, helper/suppressor ratio and proliferative responses to mitogens (phytohemagglutinin) took more than 4 months [4]. Others have found that the decrease in helper cell subset populations can still be found for up to 13.5 years after intravenous CTX treatment (8 grams in 20 days) [5].
Clinical experience
In 1966 Aimard et al described the first use of cyclophosphamide in a single case of MS [6]. The perceived therapeutic benefit in this study led to an open uncontrolled trial in which 30 MS patients were treated with cyclophosphamide 200 mg/day intravenously for 4-6 weeks. At the end of 2 years 50% of the patients were either improved or stable [7]. Between 1968 and 1975 several additional uncontrolled trials using CTX with or without steroids reported varying results. In 1975 Hommes et al reported their experience with administration of a short intensive course of intravenous CTX (100mg q.i.d. X 20 days) combined with prednisone (50mg b.i.d. X 20 days followed by a 3 week taper) to 32 chronic progressive MS patients [8]. Patients were examined before and immediately after treatment and then again 6-33 months following treatment. Of 24 patients followed 6 months or more, 16 were improved, 7 unchanged and 1 was worse using a standardized neurological examination. The authors interpreted their results cautiously and concluded that only a double blinded trial of CTX and prednisone would determine whether there was in fact a beneficial effect demonstrable in chronic progressive MS patients.
[the article goes on at length from here.]

Hope this is of help.


see above

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13 hrs

Hi "1 the asker wanted info relative to stress"

Why don't you also add your name?
How do you know that the asker wanted info relative to stress? Are we colleageas encyclopledias or are we here to find the terminological solution?. I understand "for stress" as context. Does the scientifical name of a medical substance can change according to application?
As for information, if the asker already knows the answer ("ciclofosfamide"), why ask on Proz and not search the Web for "ciclofosfamide+stress")?
I'm not at all sure of your assertion, I still don't understand why to state it.
Peer comment(s):

Giovanna Graziani
33 mins
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16 hrs


Ho gia' inserito la risposta, ma non appare nella lista quindi la ripropongo. Mi scuso se comparira' due volte. A me sembra che ammide venga scritto con due 'm'. L'ho sempre trovato cosi'.
Il Gould-chiampo dictionary
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1 day 1 hr


io non ne capisco davvero nulla di questo argomento, comunque volevo segnalare che in rete con Google ci sono _466_ hit per ciclofosfamide e 13 per ciclofosfammide. La proporzione è abbastanza significativa, non trovate?
Peer comment(s):

CLS Lexi-tech
9 mins
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