This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Feb 1, 2007 08:16
17 yrs ago
English term
incentives conflicts
English to Italian
Business/Commerce (general)
In uno studio riguardante un progetto, in particolare nella sezione dedicata all'analisi del rischio.
"project finance creates value by lowering the costs associated with market imperfections such as taxes, financial distress and incentive conflicts, and by improving risk management."
Non riesco a capire cosa si intenda per "incentives conflicts"...
Grazie per qualsiasi suggerimento!
"project finance creates value by lowering the costs associated with market imperfections such as taxes, financial distress and incentive conflicts, and by improving risk management."
Non riesco a capire cosa si intenda per "incentives conflicts"...
Grazie per qualsiasi suggerimento!
Proposed translations
2 | conflitto d'interesse (riguardo incentivi) | Claire Restivo |
Proposed translations
1 hr
conflitto d'interesse (riguardo incentivi)
Low confidence, but I believe the generic term conflitto d'interesse may be appropriate.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-01 09:22:23 GMT)
One example of it is the collapse of the Ohio deposit guarantee fund:
'We find that on average, stocks of firms insured by the poorly capitalized FSLIC do reasonably well during the 41-day event window centered on the ODGF's Bank Holiday, while stocks of firms insured by the relatively well-capitalized FDIC do not. More important, differences in abnormal returns of FDIC and FSLIC firms are consistent with a reaffirmation of the incentive-conflict model. '
Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-01 09:22:23 GMT)
One example of it is the collapse of the Ohio deposit guarantee fund:
'We find that on average, stocks of firms insured by the poorly capitalized FSLIC do reasonably well during the 41-day event window centered on the ODGF's Bank Holiday, while stocks of firms insured by the relatively well-capitalized FDIC do not. More important, differences in abnormal returns of FDIC and FSLIC firms are consistent with a reaffirmation of the incentive-conflict model. '