Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

true union clamp

German translation:


Added to glossary by John Jory
Aug 10, 2004 12:27
20 yrs ago
English term

true union clamp

English to German Tech/Engineering
true union clamp

Discussion Aug 14, 2004:
Ok, I respect your objection and will look for further confirmation. Thanks. Lucius
John Jory Aug 14, 2004:
As there is no such word as 'Verschraubungsklemme', I cannot agree.
Steffen Walter Aug 10, 2004:
Context, please.

Proposed translations

5 hrs


True unions are pipe fittings (Verschraubungen) with a union nut (Überwurfmutter) at each end. The 'clamp' bit refers to a type of union in which the pipe is clamped inside the union.
The first ref shows a picture.

Note added at 6 hrs 2 mins (2004-08-10 18:30:03 GMT)

Here\'s a German ref:
Peer comment(s):

agree Johanna Timm, PhD : sensors-controllers/US_M_8010.pdf
2 hrs
Thanks, Johanna. Here's the link again with the 'gap' removed:
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for you help. I decided to go for Verschraubungsklemme. Do you agree? Thanks again, Lucius"
35 mins

Ein treues Gewerkschaftsmitglied

Da kein Zusammenhang da ist, muss es so frei übersetzt werden
Peer comment(s):

agree mirina
51 mins
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Sorry, here is the context: Tanks include 1 1 ⁄ 2 " fitting for complete drainage, end cap, "true union clamp", and silicone gasket."
2 hrs

Firmenname?? True Union- Klemme

Ich habe ein paar solche Links gefunden. Möglicherweise ist das ein Firmenname.
*PVC Swing check valve with TRUE UNION and clear PVC Swing check valve with TRUE UNION

In any case, there is a picture here:
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Thank you for your help. Wouldn't the term Verschraubungsklemme be more precise? If you agree, just enter it and I will award you the points. Thanks again, Lucius "
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