Apr 29, 2005 07:13
19 yrs ago
English term

loop-free directed graph structures

Non-PRO English to German Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) visualisation, simulation
These operation components can be composed into loop-free, directed graph structures of data flow, which all do the filtering and translations, in order to convert the incoming system events into animation events
Change log

Apr 29, 2005 08:12: Ken Cox changed "Language pair" from "German to English" to "English to German"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (1): ------ (X)

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Ken Cox Apr 29, 2005:
Oops, that should be 'Reverse pair'.
Ken Cox Apr 29, 2005:
I just reversed the direction for you. (you can do it yourself by clicking on 'Reverse Direction').
Non-ProZ.com Apr 29, 2005:
Actually, yes. If you have a suggestion? Thanks
Ken Cox Apr 29, 2005:
It just occurred to me: did you want English to German?

Proposed translations

1 hr

gerichteter azyklischer Graph

Das loop free will mir nicht recht von der Zunge kommen:

Alternativ für azyklisch: maschenfrei, schleifenlos

Peer comment(s):

agree VerenaH (X) : actually "azyklischer gerichteter Graph", und die Struktur muss noch rein irgendwie :-) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerichteter_Graph
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you!"
27 mins

see explanation

'Directed graph structure' is a mathematical concept and means a graphic structure (usually representing some sort of abstract structure, such as a control algorithm) drawn (represented) as set of nodes interconnected by lines (the 'graph structure') with the lines being 'directed', which means that whatever 'moves' through the structure (e.g. data, the state of a system, etc.) can only move along each line (from one node to the next) in a single direction. Such lines are often shown as arrows.
'Loop-free' means there are no paths throug the graph structure that allow one to return back to a node that has already been visited (i.e., there are no closed paths).

Note added at 31 mins (2005-04-29 07:45:10 GMT)

A directed graph structure can also be used to define or represent a processing system (as in your example). In that case each of the nodes would represent some sort of processing operation, and the directed graph structure would define/represent the sequence of operations performed on the data.
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