Feb 14, 2015 19:46
9 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

to proceed with

Non-PRO English to French Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering
during the entire process to proceed with the milling, drilling and step hole cutting, etc

Afin d'obtenir ?
Proposed translations (French)
3 +1 poursuivre
5 -1 parvenir a


Abdelbaki Boukheit Feb 16, 2015:
pour effectuer
Daryo Feb 15, 2015:
in this case the meaning of "to proceed with" is clear [not many variations are possible anyway], and more context is not going to change the meaning.

Jennifer Levey Feb 14, 2015:
Incomprehensible without full context ... ... where 'full context' = (as an absolute minimum) 'complete sentence'.
Louis Gwiango Feb 14, 2015:
My suggestion is based on the stretch alone, which means the phrase "proceder a" is likely to have a different meaning depending o what precedes it. Therefore, I would have loved to have the whole sentence
Louis Gwiango Feb 14, 2015:
It sounds like it is simply a process to achieve, allow or make drilling possible.
Thomas T. Frost Feb 14, 2015:
Phrase incomplete? That doesn't look like a complete phrase. It's difficult to suggest the right translation for "to" without knowing what the entire phrase says.
florence metzger Feb 14, 2015:
procéder à

Proposed translations

2 hrs


Not so much "allow" as just "do".
Peer comment(s):

agree Daryo : just "do" // get on with it etc - not much more context needed to get the meaning, although more context would possibly allow for a more elegant wording
1 hr
Thanks Daryo.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

parvenir a

I believe "to proceed with" simply means "leading to", "allowing" or "making possible"
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : CL5
1 hr
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