Oct 26, 2009 15:09
15 yrs ago
English term

Standard Business

English to French Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Standard Business
This type of translation is suitable for in-house documents or documents for personal use. Standard business is a budget translation which is good for routine translation of internal documentation.
Change log

Oct 26, 2009 15:43: Stéphanie Soudais (X) changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Bus/Financial" , "Field (specific)" from "Telecom(munications)" to "Business/Commerce (general)"

Proposed translations

28 mins

activité ordinaire / habituelle

Peer comment(s):

agree Joco
4 mins
agree Chantal de Lorme
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci"
11 mins

activité standard

Juste une suggestion
Peer comment(s):

agree Titus Haennni : Without more context, this seems quite appropriate and sufficient
4 mins
Something went wrong...
56 mins

standard business

C'est utilisé en anglais aussi bien par Microsoft que par un autre auteur de logiciel.
Plus de nombreuses références en français sur Google : expression non déposée mais fort reprise. Ce qui fait que les lecteurs comprendront de quoi il retourne.
Que celui qui n'emploie pas le mot penalty au foot me jette la pierre.
Something went wrong...
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