Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Arabic translation:

بين اللون الأبيض واللون الأصفر الشاحب

Added to glossary by AhmedAMS
Sep 26, 2005 14:11
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to Arabic Other Other
Clear, warm liquid with faint characteristic odor. It is free from visible particulate matter. Upon cooling, it solidifies into a white-to-creamy white mass.

Proposed translations

22 mins

بين اللون الأبيض واللون الأصفر الشاحب

Peer comment(s):

agree Mazyoun
2 hrs
Thank you
agree Mohamed Elsayed
11 days
Thank you
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
22 mins

أبيض مصفر

that's how creamy white is usaully decribed

Note added at 23 mins (2005-09-26 14:34:53 GMT)

or أبيض شاحب

Note added at 23 mins (2005-09-26 14:35:25 GMT)

or أبيض شاحب
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45 mins

أبيض كريمي

No objection to the proper Arabic suggestions above, though I think there's no harm in using the word كريمي, from the French "creme", which is widely used in the Arab world. Everyone will know exactly what you're talking about. أبيض كريمي is mentioned on 133 websites, such as the two below:

الآفات التي تصيب النباتات المزروعة ...
وطول البيضة (2-3) ملم ولونها أبيض كريمي والطرف
القاعدي عريض. يفقس البيض بعد 2-5 أيام تبعاً ... - 136k - Cached - Similar pages

البيض: 4 – 5 بيضات ذات لون أبيض كريمي. مدة الحضانة:
27 – 28 يوما. الغذاء: البذور,الحبوب ...
Peer comment(s):

4 hrs
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13 hrs

أبيض مائل للإصفرار

لون أبيض يميل للإصفرار
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