This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
May 17, 2012 09:10
12 yrs ago
English term

Free School

English to Arabic Other Education / Pedagogy UK schools
"Free School" as defined by recent government legislation - i.e. a government funded school teaching the national curriculum independent of local education authority control, which may be set up by non-governmental individuals or organisations.
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May 18, 2012 06:13: Saleh Dardeer changed "Language pair" from "Arabic to English" to "English to Arabic"


Abdallah Ali May 17, 2012:
Thanks for your entries. I haven't said that "free schools" are "independent schools". I posted the definitions in response to Ahmad's supporting links he posted under my disagreement.
Peter Solomon (asker) May 17, 2012:
I agree with Ahmed - Free Schools are a new initiative of the UK government and are NOT independent, nor are they fee paying. They are free of local education authority control and funded by central government and may be initiated by voluntary or private sector groups. It is difficult to choose the right term for it - which is why I posed the question!!!
Ahmed Alami May 17, 2012:
We are dealing here with "Free Schools" not Independent Schools", these discussion posts are out of context.
As for المدارس المستقلة in the Arab World, these schools were first implanted in Qatar in 2005. An the term مستقلة came to avoid confusion with the term حرة which is the adjective that used to modify private schools المدارس الاستثمارية الحرة. We should pay attention to the specifities of each context and environment, for example in England there is the concept of Public Schools. Any ordinary bilingual would translate it in Arabic to المدارس العمومية, which is WRONG. Because, The term public school is commonly used in the United Kingdom (with the exception of Scotland) to refer to a group of about 10% of the independent schools in the country, which are in general older, more expensive, more exclusive and members of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.
لكل مقام مقال
Abdallah Ali May 17, 2012:
In Britain, a school which does not receive money from the government
Abdallah Ali May 17, 2012:
Independent school independent school
1. (Social Science / Education) (in Britain) a school that is neither financed nor controlled by the government or local authorities
2. (in Australia) a school that is not part of the state system school

Proposed translations

8 mins

مدرسة حرة

As simple as this.

Note added at 13 mins (2012-05-17 09:23:33 GMT)

I understand your concern. independent/ fee paying schools are called مدارس خاصّة in Arabic and not مدارس حرّة.

Note added at 15 mins (2012-05-17 09:25:19 GMT)

You may want to go for مدرسة مجانيّة then!

Note added at 18 mins (2012-05-17 09:28:50 GMT)

المعنى الشائع لمصطلح "مدرسة مجانيّة" هو أنّها المدرسة التي لا تُحمّل تلاميذها دفع أيّة أجور أو أقساط مدرسية، وذلك مثل المدارس التي تُنفق عليها الدولة من الضرائب العامة. Quoted from Dr. Farid Najjar's "An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Educational Terms", 2003.
Note from asker:
I do not think it is that simple. I understand that hurra implies "independent/ fee paying" in Arabic. I am training for the DPSI and have been told that to translate it as "free" would be considered wrong by the examiners.
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21 hrs

مدرسة حكومية

المدرسة الحكومية هي المدرسة التي تدرس المناهج التعليمية الحكومية في الدولة، وهي في مقابل المدارس الخاصة التي تدرس مناهج مختلفة عن المناهج المحلية أو الحكومية مثل المدرسة الألمانية، المدرسة الإنجليزية، المدارس التي تدرس منهج "أي جي سي إس إي" وما إلى ذلك.
Note from asker:
صحيح أنها حكومية ولكن لإنجلترا هناك مدارس كثيرة حكومية لا توصف بأنها حرة
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1 day 3 hrs

تعليم مجانى

so that the government pay for the education and the individuals not, it used in our country with the same words in Arabic.
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1 day 3 hrs

مدرسة عامة/مدرسة مجانية/

حسب سياق النص الأصلي
Note from asker:
شكرا ألف شكر على مبادرتكم. غير أنه في الوسط البريطاني هناك مدارس مجانية وعامة كثيرة لا توصف بانها حرة
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14 mins

مدرسة مستقلة

The key word here is "independent".

Note added at 16 mins (2012-05-17 09:26:47 GMT)
المدارس المستقلة

المدرسة المستقلة هي مدرسة ممولة حكومياً ولها الحرية في القيام برسالتها وأهدافها التربوية الخاصة بها مع الالتزام بالبنود المنصوص عليها في العقد المبرم بينها وبين هيئة التعليم. ينبغي على كل مدرسة مستقلة أن تلتزم بمعايير المناهج الموضوعة من قبل هيئة التعليم في اللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية والرياضيات والعلوم

Note added at 1 hr (2012-05-17 11:00:22 GMT)

المدرسة المستقلة هي مدرسة ممولة حكومياً ولها الحرية في القيام برسالتها وأهدافها التربوية الخاصة بها مع الالتزام بالبنود المنصوص عليها في العقد المبرم بينها وبين هيئة التعليم. ينبغي على كل مدرسة مستقلة أن تلتزم بمعايير المناهج الموضوعة من قبل هيئة التعليم في اللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية والرياضيات والعلوم.

Note added at 4 days (2012-05-22 08:47:18 GMT)

You are quite welcome!
Note from asker:
My question is for a specifically UK context - an independent school here is not state run
but Alf shukr for your contributions!! Thank you
Peer comment(s):

agree Firas Allouzi
1 hr
شكرا لك أستاذ فراس
disagree Abdallah Ali : An independent school is neither financed nor controlled by the government or local authorities. The one in question is a government funded school./ Thanks for the links. That's only in Qatar. What about the rest of the Arab world!
1 hr
Here is some literature: More literature: Little more to ovoid doubt:
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