Sep 5, 2007 16:57
17 yrs ago
Dutch term

1: sturing dóór de vraag

Dutch to English Medical Management mental health care
In al deze concepten kwam geregeld de term vraagsturing naar voren die in de literatuur op verschillende wijzen uitgelegd wordt. Hiervoor worden drie methoden beschreven namelijk:
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 driven by demand


Terry Costin (asker) Sep 5, 2007:
management, drive and control sturing dóór de vraag
sturing ván de vraag
sturing óp de vraag

Don't know if this makes it any clearer, the second two are part of the single question.
Tina Vonhof (X) Sep 5, 2007:
I don't think control is appropriate here and certainly not 'control on'.
Terry Costin (asker) Sep 5, 2007:
vraagsturing Sorry Moira, I slipped and posted that before I'd finished.
The first question 1/ is part of three questions in relation to vraagsturing.
I have this which I had from a reliable source, a friend/colleague
1: control by (the) demand, 2: control of the demand 3: control on (the) demand

I'm fishing for more for certainty.
Terry Costin (asker) Sep 5, 2007:
question 1/ is part of three questions
MoiraB Sep 5, 2007:
You've given same context as previous question on vraagsturing, but no mention of sturing door de vraag here! I suspect it's just another way of saying demand-driven care.

Proposed translations

1 hr

driven by demand

This seems logical to me but may not be in your context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Tina Vonhof (X) : or demand-driven.
7 hrs
Thanks, Tina!
agree Jack den Haan : In this context, I would use the term: demand-driven control.
2 days 1 hr
Thanks, Jack!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, I used demand-driven (oriented). Terry"
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