This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Sep 19, 2012 08:43
11 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) in connection with security for a loan
Kautionen er til sikkerhed for rangsidste 1.300.000,00 samt evt. overtræk.

I can't find any satisfactory explanation (in the time available) for what exactly this covers, so I am at a loss for what to call it!

The situation is, of course, that security has been provided for a loan, but not the whole of it.

So which part of the loan does 'rangsidst' refer to?

Thanks for any help!


Christine Andersen (asker) Sep 21, 2012:
An explanation is needed in each case As this does not seem to be a precise term, an explanation probably needs to be given to define it every time it is used.

Thanks for all the useful comments.
Christine Andersen (asker) Sep 19, 2012:
I did, with a note to the client As it was a fairly rushed job, I have in fact delivered it, with a note to the client that in this particular case, as far as I could see it made no difference. All the same, I would like to know what it is called in English, just for the sake of it!

I found this explanation:
Der foreligger delkaution, hvis kautionisten hæfter fra f.eks. 0 til 25.000 kr. eller fra 25.000 til 50.000 kr. eller ”for en kassekredit indtil 25.000 kr.”
Kaution for de første (rangførste) vedrører det beløb, der skal betales sidst.
Udtrykket ”de rangsidste X kr.” udpeger ikke en bestemt del af hovedfordringen og gør formentlig ikke kautionen til en delkaution.
Kreditor kan i forhold til kautionisten selv vælge, på hvilken del af fordringen provenuet af et pant skal afskrives, medmindre der er truffet modstående aftale herom.
U.1977.188Ø: Ifølge transportpåtegningen var overdrageren forpligtet til at holde erhververen skadesløs i enhver henseende, dersom de første 30.000 kr. af en fordring ikke kunne erholdes hos debitor.
Chris Says Bye Sep 19, 2012:
could you just put "the last 1,300.000"?
Leif Henriksen Sep 19, 2012:
This post gives a kind of explanation, although I can still not point out exactly what it means in your case. Maybe it can help you along the way.....

Reference comments

17 hrs

unsecured portion of the loan

unsecured portion of the loan:

Walnut Creek CA Bankruptcy & Second Mortgage Loan Stripping ...
In a typical Chapter 13 plan the secured portion of the vehicle loan is paid in full over the life of the plan and the ***unsecured portion*** is paid in the same manner as ...

Is a Second Mortgage Unsecured in Bankruptcy? | › Real Estate & Investment
Section 506 of the Bankruptcy Code provides that ***a secured debt such as a mortgage can be bifurcated -- split into a secured portion and an unsecured portion***.

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Question: I have been in debt for many years now and with myself and may partner splitting up in addition to a £300 a month wage cut, have ...

Loss given default - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another method is to divide Losses by ***the unsecured portion of a credit line*** ( where security covers a portion of EAD). This is known as 'Blanco' LGD. If collateral ...
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