Sep 20, 2001 03:29
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

Les périmètres techniques

French to English Marketing
Subheading of an outsourcing documents that deals with: "Le périmètre technique fourni ci-dessous récapitule les items importants. Toute évolution en dehors du périmètre décrit et de sa volumétrie associée fera l’objet d’une prestation complémentaire."

Proposed translations

2 hrs

technical parameters

Applying the 4th meaning from Merriam-Webster :

Main Entry: pa·ram·e·ter
Pronunciation: p&-'ram-&-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from para- + Greek metron measure -- more at MEASURE
Date: 1656
1 a : an arbitrary constant whose value characterizes a member of a system (as a family of curves); also : a quantity (as a mean or variance) that describes a statistical population b : an independent variable used to express the coordinates of a variable point and functions of them -- compare PARAMETRIC EQUATION
2 : any of a set of physical properties whose values determine the characteristics or behavior of something <parameters of the atmosphere such as temperature, pressure, and density>
3 : something represented by a parameter : a characteristic element; broadly : CHARACTERISTIC, ELEMENT, FACTOR <political dissent as a parameter of modern life>
4 : LIMIT, BOUNDARY -- usually used in plural <the parameters of science fiction>
- para·met·ric /"par-&-'me-trik/ adjective
- para·met·ri·cal·ly /-tri-k(&-)lE/ adverb

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks - your answer suits best as the following paras deal with software and hardware descriptions."
19 mins

Perimetre technique

Perimetres techniques means:
Technical value of the binding document
or contract/Technical explanation

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26 mins

technical framework

The technical framework detailed below detailed the major aspects / items.

Just an idea!




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36 mins

technical description

In fact, you could say 'technical perimeter', even if it is a mathematical term. It is used abusively in Tech/Eng.

I think it means simple the detailed technical description of the outsourced project.

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1 hr

technical boundaries

This is just a slight variation on Mary's suggestion above (technical framework), which in itself is a good solution.
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5 hrs

Technical specifications

I met mostly with "Technical specifications" , even it is outsourcing , similar to bidding term "Technical specifications" which are the expected from any outsourcer or contractor.
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5 hrs

Technical guidelines

in a software implementation project, you would talk about technical guidelines in order to outline the project to those involved

I work in IT...
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6 hrs

Technical guidelines

in a software implementation project, you would talk about technical guidelines in order to outline the project to those involved

I work in IT...
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