Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

People talk about causes needing a human face, but on the whole prefer an animal countenance

Russian translation:

Говоря о виновниках чего-то, люди их очеловечивают, но в целом предпочитают звериное обличье

Added to glossary by SirReaL
Jul 12, 2004 11:26
20 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

causes needing a human face

English to Russian Art/Literary Poetry & Literature contextual phrase
Animals have traditionally shaped human events

There everyone is, caught between horror at the ghastly enormity that is foot-and-mouth and ennui that it has dragged on for so long, when suddenly from the ashes there rises the sacred calf, Bambi reincarnate. With her fluffy white fur, ox-eyed gaze and perfect pink pout Phoenix is the prettiest page 3 star Fleet Street has had in years. Suddenly amid the big, ugly world of slaughter trip the words “tiny”, “white” and “innocent”. Ministers quail and policy is made on the hoof.
People talk about causes needing a human face, but on the whole prefer an animal countenance. Mute bestial appeal is considered easier on the ear than, say, the guttural petition of asylum-seekers. We can be fairly indifferent to our own kind; it takes an animal to make us human. Phoenix’s life would have been pretty dreadful under normal circumstances, but no matter. She has assumed the symbolic status of the Cow That Changed History.
Animals have altered the course of events more often than might be imagined. Many’s the time when mankind has felt himself to be sturdily at the helm, when in fact matters have been bunted along by beak or snout. Europe itself began this way when Europa carried off into the ocean (похищена и заточена в морские пучины грозным Зевсом, повелителем всех морей) by a bullish Zeus, kicking and flailing before submitting to become a continent. For Christians the instigating beast is the serpent, worming his way into Eve’s confidences with sinuous insinuations.
Ancient history is a positive bestiary of cloven goings-on. The noblest incidence of animal magic came in the form of the sacred geese whose cackling alerted their masters to a stealthy advance upon the Palatine Hill. Caligula’s bestowal of a consulship upon his was rather than successful, being one of all-too-many final straws that broke the populace’s back and led to his being dispatched at the Palatine Games. Cleopatra’s exit pursued by an asp showed far better judgement (Смерть Клеопатры от укуса ядовитой змеи оказалась намного лучшей карой/намного лучшим наказанием).
Animals also throw up historical “what-ifs”. What if Richard III had traded his kingdom for a horse, Dick Whittington not been so bounteous with his cat, or Catherine the Great been less pony crazy? In the multimedia age pets win the ultimate prizes and emerge as global megastars. The orbit of Sputniks dog, Laika, made him the fantasy comrade of the world’s youth.
The Prime Minister’s personal intervention as Phoenix’s saviour is a bow to the electorate beasts of the apocalypse. It is a case of chicken, but the public will see only a happy ending to the Calf’s Tale.
Change log

Apr 25, 2005 12:06: SirReaL changed "Field (specific)" from "Other" to "Poetry & Literature"

Proposed translations

38 mins

Говоря об виновниках чего-то, люди их очеловечивают, но в целом предпочитают звериное обличье

IMHO "cause" здесь в значении "источник действия", "виновник".

Note added at 39 mins (2004-07-12 12:06:22 GMT)

Простите за \"об\"!... редактировал по ходу несколько раз.

\"Говоря о виновниках чего-то, люди их очеловечивают, но в целом предпочитают звериное обличье.\"

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 mins

См. ниже:

Люди говорят о причинах, "очеловечивая" их (дословно: придавая им человеческое обличье), хотя в общем-то предпочитают (использовать для этого) облик животных.
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47 mins

дела, которым нужно придать "человеческое лицо"

На словах люди желают придать своим делам "человеческое лицо", но на практике предпочитают поведение животных. Немую просьбу животного мы слышим лучше, чем сдавленные мольбы беженцев о приюте.
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