Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Türklinkerputzer Program

English translation:

is no foot in the door selling/sales scheme (UK), system, program(me)

Added to glossary by roak
Jun 20, 2004 22:18
20 yrs ago
German term

Türklinkerputzer Program

German to English Other Linguistics
"Network Marketing ist kein Türklinkerputzer Programm. "

What could be a really good translation for the phrase Türklinkerputzer in this context?

Thanks in advance.


Aniello Scognamiglio (X) Jun 21, 2004:
By the way, it must read "T�rklinkerputzer-Programm" (hyphen). Jun 20, 2004:
Putting it literally is OK, Kim but that sounded wierd to me. Moreover we do use the expression "sich die T�rklinke in die Hand geben" which has another implication. So I just got the feeling, it could be something else in this case! ! !

Proposed translations

31 mins
German term (edited): T�rklinkerputzer Program

is no foot in the door selling/sales scheme (UK), system, program(me)

suggestion-or does it mean lazy person's job?
Peer comment(s):

agree Nancy Arrowsmith
46 mins
agree Johanna Timm, PhD
2 hrs
agree roneill : This is great1 Conjures up images of Avon ladies or Encyclopedia britannica salespeople!
4 hrs
agree Melanie Nassar : I like this,and the foot in the door keeps the slightly comic/derogatory image
5 hrs
agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
7 hrs
agree Louise Mawbey
7 hrs
agree Monika Leit
7 hrs
agree Laurel Porter (X) : possibly hyphenated (foot-in-the-door selling scheme)?
16 hrs
agree Katrin Atienza (X)
3 days 22 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This was among the better ones! Thanks"
2 mins
German term (edited): T�rklinkerputzer Program

programme for door knob polishers

Why not literal?
Network marketing is not a programme for door knob polishers.
Peer comment(s):

agree Wenjer Leuschel (X) : Ja, ja, du hast recht.
2 mins
Though it should be one word: doorknob
disagree Monika T. : Depending on the type of text (informal or formal) this could be a good way to say it. I would suggest "Network Marketing is not a door-to-door sales program" (or "programme" if you are translating into British English).
10 mins
agree Johanna Timm, PhD : absolutely! 'Türklinkenputzer' condescendingly describes the job of a travelling salesman
13 mins
agree roneill : Exactly! So funny!
5 hrs
agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
8 hrs
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4 mins
German term (edited): T�rklinkerputzer Program

door-handle-polisher program

Vielleicht kann man es so nennen.
Sicher kann man vielleicht auch so lesen: "Türk-Linker-Putzer." :O))
Peer comment(s):

disagree Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : nein, und entweder "sicher" ODER "vielleicht", aber nicht "sicher vielleicht...".
8 hrs
Danke schön.
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21 mins
German term (edited): T�rklinkerputzer Program

travelling saleman program

I am guessing
Peer comment(s):

agree Wenjer Leuschel (X) : And I guess you are somehow right.
18 mins
neutral Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : ich vermisse die negative Konnotation von "Türklinkenputzen".
7 hrs
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2 hrs

Network marketing is not a program for breaking down open doors

meaning being redundant or engaging in a useless pursuit
Peer comment(s):

neutral Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : different meaning, see agrees above, Klaus.
5 hrs
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5 hrs
German term (edited): T�rklinkerputzer Program

is not a program for street peddlars (or hawkers)

I have high confidence that this expression will carry the idea for you, but other good answers have been provided already.
Kim's answer is right on point; it does, however, require a little thought on the part of people not familiar with the term, but it does have the same flavor as the original. I would be inclined to go with Kim.
However, if you want to be a little more obvious, my answer will do the trick.
Peer comment(s):

agree Wolf Brosius (X) : the slang is actually Klinkenputzer=hawkwer=door-door salesman
11 hrs
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5 hrs

vacuum salesman

there is not enough context to pick the most suitable solution but there may be something about network marketing that implies strategic selling and preselection of prospectives as opposed to a a merely quantitative door-to-door approach. in that case rather than focussing on the door knob I suggest to render the idea of what this programme is not about by using the (poor and surely unfairly treated) vacuum salesman as opposite example.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : different meaning, see agrees above, sarastro. No context needed here for "Türklinkenputzen", that is always negative!
2 hrs
I don't share but respect your opinion, please feel free to disagree if you feel like (neutral should be reserved for other cases)
Something went wrong...
20 hrs
German term (edited): T�rklinkerputzer Program

more input

Türklinken putzen has not so much to do with being a pushy salesperson, but to the hard phyical work envolve going from door to door (this is not always used literally, it can just refer to that fact that many individuals have to be approached), and also maybe with the humility involved. One could also use this term to describe somebody's efforts to collect money for a charity or a canvassing politician.

In the above text, it could therefore stress that Network Marketing is a much easier approach, maybe because a great number of individuals can be reached at once (via the network) and not one by one. The overall context would be helpful to decide on the exact connotation implied here.

Was die Ausbildungsabgabe bewirkt, weiß bislang niemand so recht. Fest steht dagegen, dass Klinkenputzen zum Erfolg führt. Bewiesen haben das erneut die Mitarbeiter der Agentur für Arbeit in Elmshorn. Am "Tag der Ausbildung" warben sie bei rund 450 Betrieben in den Kreisen Pinneberg und Steinburg sowie in Norderstedt für die Schaffung neuer Lehrstellen. Resultat: 62 zusätzliche Ausbildungsplätze können noch in diesem Sommer vergeben werden. Darüber hinaus erhielten die Vermittler Zusagen für 100 weitere Lehrstellen im Jahre 2005.

Es sei offensichtlich, dass vor allem der persönliche Kontakt zur positiven Resonanz geführt habe,...

Klinkenputzen gehört dazu
Zuletzt trat Frauke Angel in einem Projekt für arbeitslose Schauspielerinnen auf.
Klinkenputzen heißt das, nehmen, was man kriegen kann. Kleine Fernsehauftritte, Sprechrollen im Radio, Synchronisation - oder Werbung. Frauke Angel hat schon öfter Reklame gemacht.

Klinkenputzen für Soldaten

Polen sammelt auf Konferenz für Irak-Kontingent

NATO-Länder und osteuropäische Staaten sollen Polen dabei helfen, das Truppenkontingent für die polnische Besatzungszone im Irak zu stellen. Mindestens 7000 Mann stark muss die Friedenstruppe sein, Polen selbst kann aber nur 1500 bis 2000 Soldaten schicken. Auf einer zweitägigen Konferenz in Warschau sollen am Donnerstag und Freitag konkrete Zusagen gegeben werden.,1367,POL-...

is not a peddling program
or: program for peddlers
Both terms include the connotation of salesperson as well as the peddling with small-scale, unimportant items.

Or if the text stresses the (physical) ease of making sales using this program, maybe:
a program where you don't wear down your shoes.
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