Feb 13 10:30
5 mos ago
52 viewers *
German term

Informationen sind der *Rettungsschirm* der Demokratie

German to English Social Sciences International Org/Dev/Coop
Diese Überschrift soll die Aussage verdeutlichen, dass nur informierte Wählerinnen und Wähler (oder Abgeordnete) Entscheidungen treffen können, die die Demokratie retten oder bewahren.

Also in Analogie des Begriffs, der ja sehr oft verwendet wird, wenn eine Branche/ein Unternehmen/irgendetwas anderes gerettet werden soll.
Wie also heisst denn nun ein *Rettungsschirm* in diesem Zusammenhang in der englischen Sprache.

Ich habe so gar keine Vorstellung, bitte um Hilfe!


Arne Krueger Feb 15:
It's always interesting to see how long it takes until people show their true turkey wanker faces. :) But I thank you for your suggestion: safeguard.
thefastshow Feb 15:
@ Vrooman Björn, chill out. The source is totally wanna sound important, when it´s utter bullshit. It totally makes no sense literally - even in German. If this is a serious entry and existing text to be translated for some headline wherever the best thing to do here is to maintain the propaganda aspect and find something as shallow sounding in English. I mean Rettungschirm - wtf !!! Come on... Oh Lord, let it rain brains! ;) 🤣🤣🤣🤣
thefastshow Feb 15:
@Arne Why don´t you post safeguard Arne you chicken?!
Björn Vrooman Feb 15:
That's, of course, a very American perspective on things. However, I think it's worth mentioning because without any qualifiers, a statement such as "information is..." is open to misinterpretation (something which you've tried to rectify by adding "reliable" etc.). Across continental Europe, at least, more information mostly means...more fact-checking.

But, as I only later realized, we have a much bigger problem. I believe Allegro is right that "the German metaphor itself is remote from anything we would say in English"; I just think that on top of this, if the asker's explanation of the paragraph is anything to go by, the heading is simply inaccurate.

Even outside the usual context, a "Rettungsschirm" does relate to requests for more funding. Examples:
> "Krise aus finanziellen und anderen Gründen"

> "Demokratieförderungsgesetz"/"Nothilfefonds"

...and so on. Which means, in short, this Q isn't really going to get us a translation of the term.

Björn Vrooman Feb 15:
@Anna You wrote "...'freedom of information' and a 'free press' are often referred to as the 'oxygen' or 'lifeblood' of democracy."

And in your comment on Phil's answer, you said: "if the concept is that citizens of a functioning democracy require free and fair access to trustworthy information and sources."

Free speech purists, who believe in the marketplace of ideas, might not be able to reconcile these two statements of yours, as the First Amendment rests on the idea that "the truth will emerge from the competition of ideas in free, transparent public discourse and concludes that ideas and ideologies will be culled according to their superiority or inferiority and widespread acceptance among the population."

So "the more information, the better", *without* limitations:

Arne Krueger Feb 13:
@AllegroTrans Absolutely! Always the same story with the elected...
Anna Wright Feb 13:
Freedom of information As Phil Goddard proposes, abstact ideas of 'freedom of information' and a 'free press' are often referred to as the 'oxygen' or 'lifeblood' of democracy, vital elements sustaining and protecting it from disinformation threats.

You could also refer to 'informed citizens' or 'citizens having access to reliable information sources' in more concrete terms as the 'bulwark', 'cornerstone', 'mainstay' of a democractic society, since access to trustworthy information underpins citizens' knowledge and participation.

'lifeblood of democracy': https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/jul/05/a...
'cornerstone': https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/05/1091132
'informed particpants' in ACCESS TO INFORMATION: A KEY TO DEMOCRACY available here: https://www.cartercenter.org/documents/1272.pdf
AllegroTrans Feb 13:
Have a look for synonyms of these
Lancashireman Feb 13:
Arne Thanks for confirming.
Arne Krueger Feb 13:
@Marion Nothing, just wanted to confirm your finding and explanation relating to umbrella and protection (Schirm = Schutz). All good. :) Although you must question the people behind the creation of the word "Rettungsschirm" (Rettungsschutz??!).
Björn Vrooman Feb 13:
Agree with Allegro It's an excellent reference. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you what ENS do call the ESM - a bailout fund (at least in the US; not sure about the UK).

Might I therefore suggest something such as (just giving it a try here):

You need a lot of money to bail out a country--but better education if you want to bail out democracy.

Even found a reference along those lines:
"The Wall Street protesters are not seeking a bailout for themselves; they are working to bail out democracy."

I also think "Information" is a misnomer here, in both languages ("Desinformation" is also "Information," just not the kind you want unless, of course, you believe even the worst insult can be an asset to those fighting for democracy).

Cf. https://truthout.org/articles/education-will-be-critical-in-...

dkfmmuc (asker) Feb 13:
Danke für den beeindruckenden Start der Diskussion @Marion: Magst du eine Antwort eingeben?
Bitte nicht erschrecken, wenn ich die Frage bis Freitag offen lasse. Ich möchte mir ein bisschen Zeit für die Wahl des richtigen Begriffs nehmen. Sind unglaublich viele Sprachbilder :-)
AllegroTrans Feb 13:
@ Marion A wonderful explanation. Well found!
Arne Krueger Feb 13:
Ich würde es einfach mit "safeguard" übersetzen... Aber du könntest auch "anchor" oder irgendein anderes Wort benutzen, das eine Art Absicherung oder Verifizierung für demokratische Prozesse umschreibt...

Proposed translations

3 hrs

information is the oxygen/lifeblood of democracy

The idea is that democracy dies without information.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lancashireman : Sounds very natural to me, but let's wait for Arne to pronounce judgement.
1 hr
agree Anna Wright : I would expand the phrase to: 'Freedom of information is the lifebood of democracy', if the concept is that citizens of a functioning democracy require free and fair access to trustworthy information and sources (as opposed to disinformation/propaganda)
3 hrs
agree Edith Kelly
1 day 2 hrs
agree Cilian O'Tuama : Of these two, I'd prefer lifeblood.
1 day 3 hrs
agree Donatello Wilhelm
1 day 5 hrs
disagree Adrian MM. : Two alternatives are, as usual, indecisive and the English of either suggestion is too remote from the original metaphor or figure of speech.
1 day 19 hrs
neutral thefastshow : I disagree with the whole source concept,but taking this piece of shit-ahem-propaganda seriously I must say I like your oxygen analogy as it´s positive,organic,depicting the viral aspect of information&its effects&may work.It´s cleverer than the original.
2 days 6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
20 mins
German term (edited): Informationen sind der Rettungsschirm der Demokratie

Information is the currency of democracy

Hard to know without context, but if this is a version of the quotation by Thomas Jefferson, it could work.

Information is the currency of democracy (Spurious ...
Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
https://www.monticello.org › research-education › inf...
Quotation: "Information is the currency of democracy." Variations: "Information is the currency of democracies." Sources consulted: Searching on the phrase ...

Note added at 21 mins (2024-02-13 10:51:43 GMT)

Information is the currency of democracy: a New Zealand ...
Emerald Insight
https://www.emerald.com › ... › Library Management
by P Carnaby · 2003 · Cited by 10 — “Information is the currency of democracy”, attributed to Thomas K. Jefferson, the draughtsman of the 1776 US Declaration of Independence is a ...

Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : This is good, but it doesn't convey the idea of life depending on it.
3 hrs
well we all need currency, nicht wahr?
neutral Arne Krueger : The only problem I would have with currency is it can be deliberately debased, meaning manipulated, corrupted. Do we want corrupted information? I don't think so...
6 hrs
and it also seems that honest voters can be manipulated and corrupted...
disagree Adrian MM. : Too remote from the original metaphor or figure of speech.
1 day 23 hrs
OK but the German metaphor itself is pretty remote from anything we would say in English; disagree is too harsh; what is your own suggestion? parachute ejection system?
neutral Björn Vrooman : It's a Ralph Nader quote but often misattributed to Thomas Jefferson (your own link confirms this, btw). Nader made that comment when talking about FOIA requests: https://nader.org/1974/04/15/genuine-freedom-of-information
2 days 4 hrs
fair enough
agree Lancashireman : Out of a field of nine, this contribution does not deserve the ignominy of being adrift in negative waters. Restoring to net zero.
2 days 7 hrs
Ee bah gum, ta; you are my rescue parachute
neutral thefastshow : I do see the corruptive aspect in the idiom though, tempting me to like it ;)))
2 days 9 hrs
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53 mins

Rescue mechanism/safety net

As in the examples below
Peer comment(s):

agree Erzsébet Czopyk
3 hrs
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1 hr

Informed voters are the pararescuers of democracy.

AllegroTrans’s answer is more idiomatic, but this might be an interesting alternative if the Jefferson quotation is unintended and you want to preserve more of the impressions of the original German idiom.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Steffen Walter : "Pararescuers" might be too US-specific (associated with the USAF).
9 mins
neutral Arne Krueger : But where they gonna parachute to?? Makes no sense for me, sorry.
10 mins
neutral AllegroTrans : Voters parachuting? Makes no sense to me either
19 mins
neutral thefastshow : I think in a weird way this kind of nails it somehow, but to be fair,most probably, like my interpretation of the circumstances and the source idiom, I think the subversive aspect of your ambivalent entry doesn`t do justice to the author´s stupidity.
2 days 8 hrs
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1 hr
German term (edited): Informationen sind der Rettungsschirm der Demokratie

No democracy without information [(well-)informed decisions]

Democracy requires [relies/rests on] (well-)informed decisions

Ich würde mich hier ganz vom "Rettungsschirm" lösen.

Note added at 2 hrs (2024-02-13 13:09:28 GMT)

Und Björns im Diskussionsbereich geäußertes Argument zu den "Informationen" ist nicht von der Hand zu weisen.
Something went wrong...
3 hrs
German term (edited): Informationen sind der Rettungsschirm der Demokratie.

Information is the umbrella that protects democracy.

Ok, here I go: An umbrella is symbol of shelter and protection.
The umbrella usually symbolizes the canopy of the heavens, shelter, and protection. The parasol is a symbol of the sun, and an umbrella is a symbol of the shade. It is often an emblem of power and dignity.

I prefer a more literal translation, adhering to the German idiom (if this works for native speakers).

Note added at 3 Stunden (2024-02-13 14:14:39 GMT)

Example sentence:

Der beste Schutz der Demokratie ist die informierte Zivilgesellschaft. Beate Bube, Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz Baden-Württemberg

Peer comment(s):

neutral Arne Krueger : See historical use of "Schirm" as "protection": https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Schirm#:~:text=Herkunft:,[3] ...
39 mins
So what do you want to tell me? An umbrella is symbol of shelter and protection. That's what I said.
neutral philgoddard : You say this is a literal translation, but Rettungsschirm doesn't mean umbrella.
13 hrs
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5 hrs

Information is the firewall of democracy

The problem with the source slogan is, it is already biased in the sense, that it is written from a position, that claims superiority over other forms of political systems, yet tries to convey a notion of objectivity at the same time – hence we are dealing with a piece of propaganda so to speak.
To gain an more intrinsic understanding of my proposition I would like you to read the following quote also used in the bbc documentary “Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the media”
“Modern industrial civilization has developed within a certain system of convenient myths. The driving force of modern industrial civilization has been individual material gain, which is accepted as legitimate, even praiseworthy, on the grounds that private vices yield public benefits in the classic formulation.

Now, it's long been understood very well that a society that is based on this principle will destroy itself in time. It can only persist with whatever suffering and injustice it entails as long as it's possible to pretend that the destructive forces that humans create are limited: that the world is an infinite resource, and that the world is an infinite garbage-can. At this stage of history, either one of two things is possible: either the general population will take control of its own destiny and will concern itself with community-interests, guided by values of solidarity and sympathy and concern for others; or, alternatively, there will be no destiny for anyone to control.

As long as some specialized class is in a position of authority, it is going to set policy in the special interests that it serves.But the conditions of survival, let alone justice, require rational social planning in the interests of the community as a whole and, by now, that means the global community. The question is whether privileged elites should dominate mass-communication, and should use this power as they tell us they must, namely, to impose necessary illusions, manipulate and deceive the stupid majority, and remove them from the public arena. The question, in brief, is whether democracy and freedom are values to be preserved or threats to be avoided. In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than values to be treasured, they may well be essential to survival.”
Since at this stage of human development we are always dealing with works of “Public Relations” when it comes to politics, objective truths or facts not only have become a rare sight, but also they are being actively manipulated or excluded from media presentations in order to serve the prevailing “special interests”. One example being the omission of ethnic, religious and national origins of perpetrators in news articles in an attempt to prevent racism.
Also, without prejudice, even when we deal with information at its most basic, we are always dealing with belief systems in a society on the receiving end. Meaning:
“However, one can fact-check news, but not beliefs,[11] and studies show that fact-checking can backfire.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misinformation
Hence, objectively, when looking at the given source text, we are presented with a semiotic piece of propaganda protecting and defending the interests and agenda of those in power by trying to induce fear (Rettungsschirm) on the receptive party´s end and make it follow their narrative.
The existing political scenario in a rather very anti-democratic fashion (hypothetically: e.g. what if the majority really wanted a dictatorship?) resembles the functioning of a firewall: “ Die Aufgabe einer Firewall ist so ähnlich wie die einer Brandschutzmauer bei Häusern, deshalb heißt sie wohl auch so. Die Firewall besteht aus Hard- und Software, die den Datenfluss zwischen dem internen Netzwerk und dem externen Netzwerk kontrolliert. Alle Daten, die das Netz verlassen werden ebenso überprüft, wie die, die hinein wollen.“
Though at first the slogan „Information is the firewall of democracy” seems contradictory, at a second glance it illustrates the use of (certain) information as information warfare protecting an inner core (here the current, existing version (I will not go so far as to call it the myth of) democracy).
It kind of works on two levels here.

Disclaimer due to the sensitive nature of the topic: As a liberal thinker I hereby deny any involvement or engagement in mind or deed with political, religious or social organs aiming at establishing dictatorships of any kind. I have tried to examine and illustrate the situation in an objective manner. I am aware though that objectivity cannot satisfy everybody´s views and wish people to peacefully accept and respect this fact.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kevin Fulton
22 mins
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7 hrs
German term (edited): Rettungsschirm der Demokratie

backstop of democracy

"Backstop" in the sense - much used in relation to Brexit & the Northern Ireland issue - of something that kicks in when everything else goes wrong, in order to prevent disaster. A bit like an emergency parachute does.

Peer comment(s):

neutral Anna Wright : I considered it too, but 'access to information' isn't really a fallback position, but a sustained requirement in a democracy
56 mins
agree Adrian MM. : https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1707991490964/1 plus 'informations' are offered by clerks at the London Tourist Office.
1 day 16 hrs
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13 hrs

democracy’s insurance policy

A long time ago I would have agreed with that thesis but certainly not today.

Anyway, I think this conveys the concept adequately:

"Our democracy’s insurance policy is supposed to be the resilience of our democratic institutions, and there is ample evidence that they are now being transformed from obstacles that could contain Trump’s impulses into vehicles to punish his opponents."
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