Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Document Unique de besoin

English translation:

single statement of requirements

Added to glossary by Fraser Robinson
Jul 4, 2022 10:47
2 yrs ago
41 viewers *
French term

Document Unique de besoin

French to English Bus/Financial Government / Politics Procurement
In a contract - I can't give much more context than that


Conor McAuley Jul 7, 2022:
What an evil excuse for a man.
AllegroTrans Jul 7, 2022:
And he's (well nearly) gone
Conor McAuley Jul 7, 2022:
All that being said, the journey was interesting, even though the destination was nothing special. A bit's like the PM's exit. But he got it done.
Conor McAuley Jul 7, 2022:
I think I covered everything in his entry except "jusqu'à présent", and that was implied (see my Urssaf reference: before people had to report their income to various agencies separately).

So this just leads back by to my suggestions: "unified", "general", etc., which Fraser (the Asker) says he agrees with. And he also agrees with me that it's not "super important".

You translate for your reader or readers, not to keep some bureaucrats happy.
AllegroTrans Jul 7, 2022:
Ditching a word... on the basis it will "have no meaning to your readership" is not translation. "Unique" has a distinct meaning here, re which Daryo has found the explanation (see his reference entry). It's all to with a rationalisation of this particular form. That is a fact which the "readership" needs to know, even if they aren't particularly iinterested. I rest my case.
Conor McAuley Jul 6, 2022:
So, just to summarise:

1) Document goes to several State agencies
2) Anglosphere country reader assumes that the above is the case anyway
3) Point 1 irrelevant to reader, so omit "unique"

See Daryo's Reference entry: "[...] un document unique de besoins partagé par les armées, la DGA et l’industrie [...]".

And if Daryo and I agree, it must be right!
Conor McAuley Jul 6, 2022:
I think that it's perfectly natural to ditch a word that effectively has no meaning to your readership.

In Anglosphere cultures, you submit returns, documents, etc., to the Government (the State), and you assume that they could be disclosed to any and all State agencies.

In French culture, the State makes a huge deal of this "unique" thing, for some reason.
Maybe they're "selling" the fact that they're simplifying procedures for the ordinary person. About time?

Remember that this is the country that this is a country that took 70 or so years to introduce PAYE income tax, so simplification doesn't come easy in France!

Statement of fact, not a value judgement.
AllegroTrans Jul 5, 2022:
I agree You cannot just ditch "unique" on the basis that it isn't important; it has a specific meaning
Daryo Jul 5, 2022:
What can be ditched ... The "Unique" part is important. In fact it's one of these "just one word" that have tons of implied meaning.

There is no much point getting right all the "fillers" if you omit the "key ingredients" ...

Here it's an indication that the contract is of a newish type of contracts based on a "Document Unique de besoin", as opposed to "old style" procurement contracts, which possibly have all sorts of practical implications that do matters for these people...

Of the kind mentioned in this:
Daryo Jul 5, 2022:
There is already enough context there aren't many ghits for "Document Unique de besoin" or "Document Unique de besoins", but they are ALL about the same subject and all related to procurement.
No need to know any specifics of this particular contract or tender to get the meaning of the term.
Fraser Robinson (asker) Jul 5, 2022:
Having made further progress through the document, I think I am going to go with "Statement of Requirements" as it sounds good and seems correct. On the other hand, the other suggestions do not seem at all wrong. I'd say that the "unique", as you speculate, Connor, is indeed doing something and it could therefore mean "unified", "single (or sole)", "summary", "general", "one-off" etc. However, I don't think it's at all clear or super important.
Conor McAuley Jul 4, 2022:
In the Urssaf and government procurement contexts, the "statement" is possibly used by several State agencies for various purposes.

I don't think we have an exactly-equivalent word for that in English. Suggestions welcome -- enlighten me!

The wider context (confidential, presumably) should guide you, Fraser.

Conor McAuley Jul 4, 2022:
Interesting comments.

Maybe "unique" across government departments as regards public procurement, in which case "standardised" is a good fit.

Presumubly "unique"/"standardised" to make life easier for the French Cour des Comptes, possibly (see for equivalencies), bidders, European bodies that oversee Member State tendering processes for various reasons, etc.
AllegroTrans Jul 4, 2022:
It possibly means that the document is used across the industry or across the group of companies, i.e. a standardised format
Bourth Jul 4, 2022:
Unique is nearly unique I agree that 'unique' is odd. We don't have enough context to know why the word is there. However we do know that 'document unique de besoin' gets 3 ghits and that 'document unique de besoins' gets a further 8, making a total of 11. 'Single statement of requirements' gets a very comparable 13 ghits. In the following example, 'single' CAN be dispensed with, but the authors put it in a report on a Microwave Landing System deliberately, to reinforce the uniqueness of the statement, despite it having been put together by several hundred people for all civil & military aircraft and airports.
"This committee, consisting of several hundred aviation experts, began
its work by defining and obtaining agreement on the operational requirements
for a new system. This was a major achievement and required considerable
analysis and discussion by the diverse aviation user groups to reach a
single statement of requirements that would meet the approach and landing
needs of all aircraft and airports". It is legitimate to think the French too may have used 'unique' for reasons best known to themselves.
Conor McAuley Jul 4, 2022:"general statement of requ...

"General Statement of Requirements" gets a ton of very high quality government search hits: Scotland, UK, USA, etc.
Conor McAuley Jul 4, 2022:
"unique" "Single" doesn't check out in searches.
Also a less serious example...what do people call "la monnaie unique"?

What I'm offering is a real-world solution: why call this document "single" if it's the only one? One example of "déclaration unique":

In the Urssaf context the return goes to your retirement fund, social insurance bodies, Monsieur Impôts, perhaps "unified" would suit better.

In the instance here, I suspect the meaning is "brief" or something else -- the requirements in each sub-section will probably be spelled out in summary form elsewhere.

If you really want to translate "unique", I would go for "general", "overall", or summary".

In any case, I suspect the word "unique" is doing something interesting here.
Fraser Robinson (asker) Jul 4, 2022:
It's a procurement contract. The phrase appears in isolation.
AllegroTrans Jul 4, 2022:
Context is needed please e.g. what is the document? What does it say before and after this?

Proposed translations

1 hr

single statement of requirements

The THALES Team recognises the compelling drivers for CIPHER and has spent the three months prior to contract award mobilising the team to ensure a fast start to an initial 26-month phase. This phase is to enable a successful procurement of the CIPHER programme. The team will work collaboratively with the MoD to develop a SINGLE STATEMENT OF REQUIRE¬MENTS

This final rule provides a SINGLE STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS for contractors to comply with for maximum uniformity and consistency, for the protection of classified information, to include the reporting of foreign travel and foreign contacts by cleared contractor personnel in accordance with Security Executive Agent policies. This final rule provides for the proper protection of classified information disclosed or released by U.S. agencies in all phases of the contracting, license or grant processes

This committee, consisting of several hundred aviation experts, began its work by defining and obtaining agreement on the operational requirements for a new system. This was a major achievement and required considerable analysis and discussion by the diverse aviation user groups to reach a SINGLE STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS that would meet the approach and landing needs of all aircraft and airports

With our input, DHSC has published the SINGLE ‘STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS’, based on the data security standards that underpin the NHS England Standard NHS Contract requirements.
Note from asker:
Superb suggestion
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
3 hrs
agree Anastasia Kalantzi
6 hrs
agree Nicole Acher
10 hrs
agree ph-b (X) : unique = "the same and only document for all parties involved"
1 day 18 hrs
Thanks. To be borne in mind when billing by the TL word.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everyone for their excellent contributions"
4 hrs

(Ordnance: Defence/se Procurement) One-Off Requisition Form

A previous ProZ glossary question suggests an 'As-required Special Risks-Assessment Guide'.

Otherwise, a requisition assumes a 'need' for the service, supply or goods.
Example sentence:

Only the first line of a requisition can be classified as Fixed Cost Service as there can only be one Line Item in a single requisition that maintains a service start and end date;

Note from asker:
Excellent suggestion
Peer comment(s):

agree Anastasia Kalantzi
3 hrs
disagree AllegroTrans : "One-off" doesn't tie in with Daryo's explanatory reference, it's more like a "standardised" or "universal" form; strange way in which French sometimes employs the word "unique"
1 day 5 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

Statement of Requirements

Page down a bit to:

"Statement of Requirement means that part of the Contract which identifies, either directly or by reference in the tasking form, the Services to be supplied or carried out, the quantities involved, the quality required and the price or pricing terms in relation to each Article or Service;"


Appears to relate to public procurement (hence the Thales connection in Toulous's answer):

Statement of requirements Template - ( › ti-it › edemc-sortf-eng
Public Services and Procurement Canada Approvals Sought. This Statement of approval document seeks: Approval of the statement of requirements; Approval to ...

"A statement of requirements document is a proposal to an authority, which states a business problem or an opportunity and seeks funding and approval to conduct project identification stage activities."
A statement of requirements serves as a legal agreement to provide tangible or intangible goods and services of the appropriate quality on schedule. In serving this purpose, the SOR dictates when and how the contract worker gets paid for reaching each milestone in the project schedule. Statement of requirements (SOR) provides a map of each project as requested and agreed upon by you, the client and any other stakeholders involved. Once written, signed and accepted by all parties, the statement of requirements delineates all of the milestones between beginning the project and delivering all of the modules of each stage of the endeavor. In some jurisdictions, the SOR must contain clear language readable by someone with no more than an eighth-grade education, or it may not have any validity. Thereby, the SOR protects you from litigation due to not being able to fulfill your obligations to your client and any applicable regulatory bodies.[1]"

My feeling would be to forget about the "unique" part, irrespective of what you might have been taught, unless other statements of requiremements are set out in your text, and also to use capitals, as this is probably a Defined Term in the Contract (see my example there, haha?).

Note added at 3 hrs (2022-07-04 14:44:48 GMT)

How do you write a statement of requirements?
Image result for "statement of requirements"
How to Write an Exceptionally Clear Requirements Document
Use a (Good) Requirements Document Template.
Organize in a Hierarchical Structure.
Use Identifiers to Your Advantage.
Standardize Your Requirements Document Language.
Be Consistent with Imperatives.
Make Sure Each Requirement is Testable.
More items...•Jun 13, 2016

How to Write an Exceptionally Clear Requirements Document - QRA Corp

Note added at 10 hrs (2022-07-04 21:19:23 GMT)

If you really want to translate "unique", I would go for "general", "overall", or summary".

In any case, I suspect the word "unique" is doing something more interesting than it usually does here.
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : and "unique"? // yep, I have added something there too
6 hrs
See Discussion entry.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

15 mins

2 example of context. fwiw/hth

Only 2 hits I found on Google:

une organisation plus intégrée entre l’état-major des armées (EMA) et la DGA, matérialisée notamment par un document unique de besoin, un rapprochement physique du pôle capacitaire de l’EMA et des équipes du service de préparation des systèmes futurs et d’architecture (SPSA) de la DGA, ou encore par la constitution d’un plateau commun à Balard permettant d’ancrer la préparation des opérations dans une vision capacitaire d’ensemble et de mieux en gérer les phases amont. Les industriels y sont pleinement associés le plus tôt possible afin notamment de faciliter les travaux d’analyse de la valeur durant les phases de préparation ;

Désormais, l’idée est de faire travailler tous ces acteurs ensemble dès que le besoin initial est exprimé pour aboutir à l’édition d’un « document unique de besoin » qui servira de base au travail collaboratif.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans
46 mins
agree Daryo : there is more
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
15 mins


Frankly you will need to provide more French context particularly as I cannot find your phrase per se on any Fr site

there is nothing worse than searching in the dark

Note added at 16 mins (2022-07-04 11:03:10 GMT)

How to write a specification – Procurement Essentials - CCS › news › how-to...
16 Nov 2021 — In a procurement context, a specification can be defined as a '*****statement of needs or requirements*******'. It provides a detailed description of ...
Note from asker:
You are quite right, but alas there is little to give. The phrase appears at the top of a procurement contract and is itself rather decontextualised.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans
46 mins
neutral Bourth : Thare are in fact 3 ghits with that string of words, and a further 8 with 'besoins' in the plural. All of them are defence-related.
1 hr
Something went wrong...
20 hrs

Compte rendu

Commission de la défense nationale
et des forces armées
En outre, nous avons revu l’ensemble de nos méthodes de préparation et de conduite des opérations d’armement grâce à une nouvelle instruction ministérielle portant le numéro 1618, qui définit plus en détail les procédures que nous devons désormais suivre. Elle s’appuie sur une volonté de simplifier et de rationaliser. Elle met en place un document unique de besoins partagé par les armées, la DGA et l’industrie, qui vaut contrat entre elles dès le début d’un programme alors que jusqu’à présent,

une fiche de caractéristiques militaires venait spécifier les besoins des armées à la DGA et

une fiche de spécifications techniques venait indiquer les besoins de la DGA à l’industrie.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree AllegroTrans : Perfect explanation; "unique" wouldn't cut it in English though
10 hrs
agree Anastasia Kalantzi
2 days 12 hrs
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