Oct 14, 2021 17:12
3 yrs ago
36 viewers *
Italian term

casistica segmentata

Italian to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Secondo una linea consolidata di ricerca, le sculture così prodotte rientrano nel sistema della Kopienkritik; presentano una casistica segmentata, come manifesta lo stesso lessico usato per dare un ordine alle redazioni che sono per lo più organizzate in stemmi derivativi: tutti aspetti rilevati già negli esempi-studio commentati dalla Bartman.
Change log

Oct 14, 2021 17:59: F Filippi changed "Language pair" from "English to Italian" to "Italian to English"


Cillie Swart Nov 4, 2021:
Thanks for posting this question... was fun to look for a solution !!
toasty Oct 15, 2021:
I sort of get the feeling they are referring to the 'case studies', i.e., the scholarship rather than the sculpture itself. I think they are saying that the literature and analysis of this type of sculpture is in fact segmented, which is even reflected in the lexicon used. Does that make sense with the rest of the text? Take a look at page 9 in this document for reference: https://repository.brynmawr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=... . Perhaps something like "the literature" could stand in for 'casistica'.

If it is indeed in reference to the sculpture itself, maybe something like "typology" could work, as used by Bartman herself: https://books.google.it/books?id=wIkv01rT4cUC&lpg=PR7&pg=PA5...
Lisa Jane Oct 14, 2021:
From a test If I remember rightly, this is a test translation
F Filippi (asker) Oct 14, 2021:
Kopienkritik Yes, I read about the Kopienkritik. I am not exactly sure what "casistica segmentata" means. Does it mean that cases or copies are considered in "segments"?
philgoddard Oct 14, 2021:
Kopienkritik Kopienkritik (“copy criticism”) is the process of analyzing copies of classic sculptures —typically Roman reproductions of lost Greek versions — to arrive at a greater understanding of the originals.
philgoddard Oct 14, 2021:
Previous sentence From Francesco's last question:
Per quanto concerne la miniaturizzazione in marmo, non vanno innanzitutto trascurate le più generali osservazioni della Touchette sulla meccanica del copiare tridimensionalmente, aggiornate dalla Nolte circa i procedimenti e l'organizzazione del lavoro del lavoro di una bottega di scalpellini.
F Filippi (asker) Oct 14, 2021:
Thank you I changed the language combination, thank you for letting me know!
zerlina Oct 14, 2021:
per favore inverti la coppia linguaggio :-)

Proposed translations

22 hrs

segmented typology

casistica significa trovare una norma/caratteristica comune ad un certo gruppo di cose/eventi osservati VD treccani sotto
typology è the study of a particular group of people or things that share similar characteristics and form a smaller division of a larger set vd cambrige sotto
Peer comment(s):

agree toasty : agree, typology was my solution too in the comments :)
19 days
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1 day 17 hrs

discontinuous record

I always have problems with "casistica" and here "segmentata" isn't really easy to understand either. I think you have to step back, figure out what they are trying to say, and imagine how someone would say it in English. Maybe here the idea is that the known examples of sculptures form a discontinuous record (and that makes it hard to trace a linear art historical progression). Not sure!
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2 days 3 hrs

a series of fragmented cases

Cases or patterns, but cases probably better, examples that don't conform with the norm, but appear repeatedly in a series of occurrences or patterns. In this case probably also explicitly referring to fragmented art. But the key is the reference to Kopienkritik which apparently has become a concept that refers to something that involves a kind of rearrangement of existing artwork or literature by extension to create a new piece of art or idea. Alternatively, just a series.
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19 hrs

segmented casuistry

Casuistry is reasoning which is misleading or oversubtle. It's divided into segments or sections.
"Casuistry is also the determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that exhibit general ethical rules."

(IT: La casistica è il ragionamento che ci inganna o è troppo sottile. E divisa in sezioni o segmenti. Anche è la determinazione del giusto o dello spagliato in questioni di condotta o di coscienza analizzando casi che mostrano regole etiche generali.)

Note added at 4 days (2021-10-18 19:10:21 GMT)

https://www.deepl.com/es/translator#en/it/segmented casuistry

Peer comment(s):

disagree Nick Pell : not at all! casistica means : la formulazione e l’elencazione di tali casi per applicarvi, o anche per indurne, una norma generale: casistica giuridica; casistica medica,
2 hrs
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