Jun 15, 2021 18:54
3 yrs ago
52 viewers *
German term

German handwriting

German Science Mathematics & Statistics
I normally do not work with German, but as I am now translating archival materials (a mix of Hebrew and Russian documents) I came across this page where I need to decypher German handwriting. No translation required. Many thanks in advance!
Change log

Jun 15, 2021 20:04: Cilian O'Tuama changed "Language pair" from "German to English" to "German"


Mike Levin (asker) Jun 17, 2021:
I want to thank you all: Steffen and Carola and Eleanore and Cilian! Based on the joint input I have this now:
für ξ [illegible] von X4 gr. [großer?] Kugelfläche satz
[Wenn Feld statisch, verschwinden letzte] Feld sei statisch
Wählen in der Umgebung der Integrationsfläche
I believe I can work with that.
Thanks again!
Steffen Walter Jun 16, 2021:
Crossed-out part etc. Carola has already deciphered most of these pieces. Let me add that the last word in the crossed-out line could be "letzte": Wenn Feld statisch, verschwinden letzte
This appears to be an unfinished (or implied) thought noted by the person writing this since it remains unclear what "letzte" refers to. In other words, the line of thought seems to have progressed from "If we assume a static field, then the last ??? disappear" to the fixed definition/assumption "(We/I) assume a static field".

First line on the left: gr. (großer?) Kugelf??? (or Kegelf???) ??? satz

The third occurrence from the top (the single word in the middle) seems to start with the letter G and appears to be abbreviated with a full stop, but it remains a mystery to me what it really is.

It would of course be helpful if we knew more about the actual context this calculation refers to.
Carola F Berger Jun 15, 2021:
Some educated guesses I have a PhD in theoretical physics, so I can guess a bit better than the average person, but this is really hard to read.

Under the integral sign, first line on the left: [somethingsomething illegible]satz [probably some theorem related to integration]

First line on the right: für xi [the squiggly Greek letter] [something illegible] von x4

The 2nd line, no idea

Crossed out line: Wenn Feld statisch, verschwinden [rest of the crossed out illegible, continuing with not crossed out text] Feld sei statisch

Next line: Wählen in der Umgebung der Integrationsfläche

Last line: Spezialfall
Cilian O'Tuama Jun 15, 2021:
Spezialfall P'... ?
Cilian O'Tuama Jun 15, 2021:
Feld sei statisch ?
Eleanore Strauss Jun 15, 2021:
a bit more The second to last looks like Wahlen (not Zahlen) in der Umgebung der Integrationsflaeche... and before that, not crossed out: Feld in Daten..(illegible)
Mike Levin (asker) Jun 15, 2021:
Cilian, thanks! I was not sure how to post this as monolingual.
Eleanore Strauss Jun 15, 2021:
very hard to deciper last entry looks like Spezialfall.. but can't be sure
Cilian O'Tuama Jun 15, 2021:
"No translation required"... ... so I've moved this to German monolingual.
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