May 22, 2020 00:55
4 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Non-Pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)

COVID-19 GBK English to Macedonian Medical Medical (general)
Definition from Climson University:
As they relate to COVID-19, the CDC defines non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) as actions, apart from getting vaccinated and taking medicine, that people and communities can take to help slow the spread of illnesses like pandemic influenza (flu). NPIs are also known as community mitigation strategies. When a new flu virus spreads among people, causing illness worldwide, it is called pandemic flu. Because a pandemic flu virus is new, the human population has little or no immunity against it. This allows the virus to spread quickly from person to person worldwide. NPIs are among the best ways of controlling pandemic flu when vaccines are not yet available.
Example sentences:
The outbreak containment strategies in China based on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) appear to be effective, but quantitative research is still needed to assess the efficacy of NPIs and their timings. Using epidemiological and anonymised human movement data, here we develop a modelling framework that uses daily travel networks to simulate different outbreak and intervention scenarios across China. (Nature)
Non-pharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza, national and community measures. (National Center for Biotechnology Info.)
Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and virus testing are melded in the effort to flatten the curve, thus reducing the number of new cases occurring daily and offering healthcare systems and public authorities the time to prepare for the coming wave of infections. However, given the resulting instability of the social and economic situation, both federal and state governments are chafing to return to normalcy as soon as possible. (News Medical)
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May 18, 2020 21:53: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 22, 2020 00:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 25, 2020 01:56: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jun 1, 2020 01:54:

Jun 21, 2020 01:54:

Jul 21, 2020 01:54:

Proposed translations

8 hrs

нефармацевтски интервенции

Definition from МАНУ:
Појавата на вирусот ковид-19 (SARS-CoV-2) и неговото ширење надвор од Кина иницираше воведување интервенции/мерки во многу држави, па и во Македонија, од невидени размери, вклучувајќи изолација на поединци, затворање на училишта и универзитети, забрана за масовни собири и/или јавни настани, а од неодамна и социјално дистанцирање, имплементирано преку воведување карантин на локално и/или на национално ниво. Сите овие мерки многу се именуваат со едно име: нефармацевтски интервенции/мерки.
Example sentences:
Противмерки и намалување на последиците • Медицински (против)мерки • Медицинско снабдување и дистрибуција • Нефармацевтски интервенции (Институт за јавно здр�)
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