Apr 28, 2020 17:18
4 yrs ago
31 viewers *
Italian term

cancelleria GIP della sezione penale

Italian to English Law/Patents Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs legale
Salve, sto traducendo un cv e nella sezione delle esperienze lavorative c'è un tirocinio svolto presso un ufficio specifico del quale propongo le mie traduzioni per poi sentire quelle dei colleghi :

Il termine su cui chiedo parere è '' cancelleria GIP ''

Io propongo 2 versioni :

1) Preliminary Investigations Judge's office, Criminal Division
2) Division of Criminal Investigation
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Apr 28, 2020 19:10: Rosario Liberto changed "Restriction Fields" from "none" to "specialty"

Apr 28, 2020 19:12: Rosario Liberto changed "Field (write-in)" from "(none)" to "legale" , "Restriction (Pairs)" from "none" to "working" , "Restriction (Native Lang)" from "none" to "eng"


NFtranslations Apr 29, 2020:
si io scriverei in questo modo... Registry of the GIP (Preliminary Investigations Magistrate), Criminal Division
Rosario Liberto (asker) Apr 29, 2020:
Criminal Division si mantiene oppure no?
Rosario Liberto (asker) Apr 29, 2020:
Grazie Nicola!
NFtranslations Apr 29, 2020:
Registry of the GIP "cancelleria" is a registry
if is of the court, "Registry of the Court of First Instance"
if is of the GIP, "Registry of the GIP"
Rosario Liberto (asker) Apr 28, 2020:
I also think that ''cancelleria '' as an office has an important meaning in this context. I would not leave it out either.
mrrafe Apr 28, 2020:
Office of But I would be very concerned about deleting "office/ufficio" in a CV. It might suggest that the writer is claiming to have been the Judge themselves rather than the Judge's staff.
Rosario Liberto (asker) Apr 28, 2020:
Grazie Raffaella, intendi quindi che la parola ufficio non si traduce proprio? Eppure nella dicitura specifica Cancelleria GIP. Che mi dici a proposito?
Shabelula Apr 28, 2020:
1. Magistrate/Judge for preliminary investigations. Quando ero a Roma e collaboravo, traducevo così. (Criminal division would seem redundant in my opinion)
Rosario Liberto (asker) Apr 28, 2020:
OK, thanks a lot all of you.
mrrafe Apr 28, 2020:
CV style For a lawyer's CV, I would prefer maximum formality and precision, so, Office of the Preliminary Investigations Judge, Criminal Division (unless the GIP Office is within the Criminal Division, not vice versa, in which case Criminal Division, Office of the Preliminary Investigations Judge).
philgoddard Apr 28, 2020:
I posted that for people like me who weren't sure what GIP is. I agree with your first answer, but not your second.
Rosario Liberto (asker) Apr 28, 2020:
Grazie ma io richiedo il parere sull'ufficio del GIP, non sul GIP, ad esempio GIP'S office, non so..Io ho proposto le mie traduzioni.
philgoddard Apr 28, 2020:
GIP Giudice per le indagini preliminari.
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