Mar 14, 2019 11:38
5 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Hungarian term
Hungarian to English
Social Sciences
This comes in a list of areas to be developed during a leadership training course, no further context.
Additional info from the client:
A határtartás pszichológiai értelemben értendő. Pl.: Meddig tartom felelősnek magam a körülöttem történő eseményekért, vagy mennyire tudok kiállni érdekeim mellett.
Any ideas?
This comes in a list of areas to be developed during a leadership training course, no further context.
Additional info from the client:
A határtartás pszichológiai értelemben értendő. Pl.: Meddig tartom felelősnek magam a körülöttem történő eseményekért, vagy mennyire tudok kiállni érdekeim mellett.
Any ideas?
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
4 hrs
Boundary management
Although "boundary management" seems to have taken on a specific new meaning in the context of work-life balance, it is a key concept in the study of management and leadership skills in particular:
Example sentence:
Leadership is centrally concerned with the management of boundaries.
A határtartás az arra való törekvés, hogy világosan lássuk, mekkora a teherbírásunk, mi fér bele az időnkbe, mit tolerálunk, pontosan mi a feladatunk, felelősségünk és döntési körünk.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "In consultation with the client we eventually event for setting boundaries, as this came closest to the content of that particular part of the training. But this answer set us on the right track, thanks."
3 hrs
standing up limits/responsibility limits
When Guilt Keeps You From Setting Boundaries | Psychology Today
May 8, 2017 - I am finally going to take a stand and begin to set boundaries in my relationships and that boundary setting starts with placing limits around you. ... They feel responsible for other people's feelings and are compelled to be a ...
New Theory on Leadership Management Science
Bingxin Wu - 2013 - Business & Economics
... improve the quality of the individual, and enhance the sense of responsibility. ... The psychological qualities of leaders mean that they should have a good attitude. ... to the psychological self, which means wide-ranging psychological limits, ...
Leadership Traits
While the list of leadership traits can vary by whoever is drawing up the list, a recent study from Spain outlined behavioral traits that separated lower-level supervisors from higher-level supervisors. According to the researchers, the traits most commonly associated with great leadership include:
Intelligence and action-oriented judgment: Great leaders and smart and make choices that move the group forward.
Eagerness to accept responsibility: Strong leaders take on responsibility and don't pass the blame on to others. They stand by their success and take ownership of their mistakes.
When Guilt Keeps You From Setting Boundaries | Psychology Today
May 8, 2017 - I am finally going to take a stand and begin to set boundaries in my relationships and that boundary setting starts with placing limits around you. ... They feel responsible for other people's feelings and are compelled to be a ...
New Theory on Leadership Management Science
Bingxin Wu - 2013 - Business & Economics
... improve the quality of the individual, and enhance the sense of responsibility. ... The psychological qualities of leaders mean that they should have a good attitude. ... to the psychological self, which means wide-ranging psychological limits, ...
Leadership Traits
While the list of leadership traits can vary by whoever is drawing up the list, a recent study from Spain outlined behavioral traits that separated lower-level supervisors from higher-level supervisors. According to the researchers, the traits most commonly associated with great leadership include:
Intelligence and action-oriented judgment: Great leaders and smart and make choices that move the group forward.
Eagerness to accept responsibility: Strong leaders take on responsibility and don't pass the blame on to others. They stand by their success and take ownership of their mistakes.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Peter Simon
: Erzsi, you set (up) limits, or stand up for others, nem pedig stand up limits...
16 hrs
Köszönöm a javítást, Péter!
4 hrs
maintaining boundaries / keeping boundaries
Véleményem szerint az adott kontextusban a HATÁR angol megfelelője BOUNDARY. Az alábbi összefoglaló jól illusztrálja, mire vonatkoztatható a kifejezés pszichológiai értelemben.
"By definition, a boundary is anything that marks a limit. Psychological limits define personal dignity. When we say, “You just crossed a line,” we are speaking about a psychological limit that marks the distinction between behavior that does not cause emotional harm and behavior that causes emotional harm."
Alternatíva lehet még a "keeping boundaries" fordítás, lásd:
Note added at 6 hrs (2019-03-14 17:50:06 GMT)
Ha nagyon kell ragaszkodni a főnévi igenévhez, akkor a BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE is szóba jöhet, ld. magyar-angol szociológiai szótár:
határtartás - boundary maintenance
Ámbár szociológiai vonatkozásban "boundary maintenance: The ways in which societies (or social systems) maintain distinctions between themselves and others", ezért nem biztos, hogy angol nyelvű olvasónak ez lesz a legjobb variáns. Úgy érzem, a "maintaining boundaries" változat sokkal kifejezőbb.
"By definition, a boundary is anything that marks a limit. Psychological limits define personal dignity. When we say, “You just crossed a line,” we are speaking about a psychological limit that marks the distinction between behavior that does not cause emotional harm and behavior that causes emotional harm."
Alternatíva lehet még a "keeping boundaries" fordítás, lásd:
Note added at 6 hrs (2019-03-14 17:50:06 GMT)
Ha nagyon kell ragaszkodni a főnévi igenévhez, akkor a BOUNDARY MAINTENANCE is szóba jöhet, ld. magyar-angol szociológiai szótár:
határtartás - boundary maintenance
Ámbár szociológiai vonatkozásban "boundary maintenance: The ways in which societies (or social systems) maintain distinctions between themselves and others", ezért nem biztos, hogy angol nyelvű olvasónak ez lesz a legjobb variáns. Úgy érzem, a "maintaining boundaries" változat sokkal kifejezőbb.
6 hrs
Living and acting within one's limits
There are many way to express the traits described in the given context, but this is what I consider most appropriate.
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