Jan 11, 2019 09:06
5 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Czech term


Czech to English Social Sciences Philosophy Ethics, Political Philosophy
In his "Stories and Totalitarianism" (Příběh a totalita - 1987), Václav Havel is talking about the "story" itself in a totalitarian regime and how these regimes manipulate "story" at the same time when they are annihilating "history". I'm of course reading Paul Wilson's translation of the original text and I wonder whether "story", which originally should have been "Příběh", has the same relation to history as it does in English and French. In other words, is there a common root between the Czech equivalents of "story" (Příběh) and history (Dějiny or historie?) in Czech as well? Any reliable reference is also very appreciated on this matter.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +5 Story
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Ehsan Kiani (asker) Jan 13, 2019:
@Lubosh Hanuska Thank you for your response. Does "Příběh" has the same relation to historie as well? Because it's used in the original title of the essay I'm talking about. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to find the full text.

Proposed translations

10 mins


In the context you gave I believe it is the same. You can look at two words here to see the common root: the Czech word "historka" ( = story) and "historie" ( = history) are indeed very similar...

I will find a few suitable references for you.

Note added at 17 mins (2019-01-11 09:23:33 GMT)

Here is an example where "historka" a "historie" is used in one sentence, showing their intimate connection as far as the meaning goes: Jaroslav kníže Lobkowicz describes a "story" from his family's "history" as:

"Jedna taková zajímavá historka je historie, jak jsme přišli ke Křimicům. Můj prapraděd, …"

Note added at 18 mins (2019-01-11 09:24:36 GMT)

Sorry forgot to add the URL: https://www.historickaslechta.cz/autor-pise/potomci-premyslo...
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivan Šimerka
2 mins
agree Jiri Lonsky
7 hrs
agree Will Volny
1 day 6 hrs
agree Gabriela Vašíčková
4 days
agree Marta Karchnakova
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
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