Jul 8, 2018 11:24
6 yrs ago
75 viewers *
French term

Acte constitutif

French to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Swis ScMA
Having decided that a "contrat de société" was a "partnership agreement"
and that this was filed
What would an Acte Constitutif be ?
Nearly there.


Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jul 11, 2018:
Haha! No, I think that this is just the deed representing the structural formalities, the skeleton stuff. The "contrat de société", the partnership agreement, is on how the partners decide to structure themselves and run their business within the limits of the formal legal structure.
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 11, 2018:
Brilliant reference thank you Nikki. Overall do you think that we might be dealing with woolly thinking here? (my own area of expertise)
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jul 10, 2018:
Context Fourth,
I note that you have posted a term you are using for "contrat de société" and that this is Switzerland. It would be helpful if you would copy and paste the terms as they appear in the original document. It saves having to faff about to find the first in the series. It also means that over term, this one in the glossary, without much context, will be less informative as it is not entirely standalone.

P.S. When I was working as legal assistant for a statutory professional body, I'd be sent off to Companies House to look through their microfiches. Not the good old days, even if it meant I could grab a better coffee than the ones on offer in Lincoln's Inn!

Otherwise, more generally, this source may help : https://www.bcge.ch/pdf/entreprise-guide-createur-fr.pdf
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 10, 2018:
We Point Grey types must stick together Germaine. Thank you SO much Jack
Germaine Jul 10, 2018:
It was a pleasure trying to help you with your questions, fourth.
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 10, 2018:
Well yes, except that this company was first formed in the 18th century and its latest form is over 50 years old predating the sort of information regularly put on internet. Please keep your dodgy Canadian mining companies to yourselves !!
Germaine Jul 10, 2018:
Well... It's the first time I see "statuts" translated "articles of association" for all and every form of incorporation! For my initial search in Google, I used that line:
"Société en commandite" Suisse

It would help you to understand the structure if you could find a prospectus of a public LP. For example, this is from the prospectus a Canadian LP in the mining sector :

The Partnership was formed by a preliminary limited partnership agreement made as of... by MQ 2017-I SD Limited Partnership as general partner of the Partnership (the General Partner) and Marquest Asset Management Inc. (the Portfolio Manager) as the Initial Limited Partner, and was established as a limited partnership pursuant to the provisions of the Limited Partnerships Act (Ontario) by filing of a declaration on January 5, 2017. The definitive form of partnership agreement governing the Partnership is the Partnership Agreement.
https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=FR&iss... - Look for 20 avril 2017 Prospectus définitif (anglais)

Check for the prospectus of this Real estate limited partnership:
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 10, 2018:
Thanks Germaine. As a young articled clerk (sic!!) we were often sent off to Companies House on the Strand to look up entries...it was all part of the "statutory audit", looking at the "stautory books" and registrations. So "statuts"as generic I understand. Really, this is the first time I've come across "statuts with this form of company. What did you enter to search?
Germaine Jul 9, 2018:
À ma connaissance, "statuts" est plutôt générique pour désigner les documents constitutifs d'une société quelle que soit sa forme, comme le mentionne d'ailleurs Pascie. En traduisant vers l'anglais, d'habitude, on précise. Pourtant, dans la loi citée, les 305 occurrences de "statuts" sont essentiellement traduites par "articles of association" (à une exception près où l'on traduit par "partnership agreement"). Si quelqu'un est intéressé à faire un autre sondage, il y a 373 occurrences de "articles of association" dans la version anglaise...
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 9, 2018:
This is the first time I've seen "statuts" mentioned for this type of body. And it's OFFICIAL.
Germaine Jul 9, 2018:
Pour la société en commandite par action, on parle des Articles of association - art. 771.

Voici un exemple d'inscription:
Germaine Jul 9, 2018:
fourth, J'ai fini par comprendre en lisant un de vos commentaires qu'il s'agit d'une société en commandite/société en commandite par actions (Limited Partnership/Partnership limited by shares) laquelle fait intervenir un/des commandités/associés indéfiniment responsables (General Partner or partner(s) with unlimited liability) et des commanditaires (limited partners). Voici qui pourrait vous aider:

Cette source renvoie directement aux articles applicables (594 à 619/764 et sq.) de la loi suisse pertinente, laquelle est disponible en anglais:

Dans cette loi, "Acte constitutif" se traduit, selon le cas, par "Deed of incorporation" et "Certificate of Incorporation". Toutefois, en ce qui a trait spécifiquement aux sociétés en commandite, je crois comprendre qu'on parle simplement de "l'Inscription au Registre du commerce" - Cf. art. 933 - intégralement publiée dans la Feuille officielle du commerce - Cf. art. 931
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 8, 2018:
I need to distinguish this from the Partnership Agreement...possibly Partnership Formation Agreement......it's all a bit ugh.

Proposed translations

1 hr

Deed of Constitution

I put low CL on this as I cannot find any convincing web refs that help with the distinction you are looking for.

Since this document and the others (in your questions) are simply being referred to, I would be tempted to put the French term followed by an expnatory translation in squere brackets on the first mention of each term. This should avoid any (implied) idea that there is any direct equivalence to any document in the En-spkg world as well as prompting the reader (if so inspired) to go and research.

What are the basic documents required to be submitted to the ...

... An application to the registrar of companies to register the limited partnership .... Trust deed (Unit Trust); Deed of constitution (CCF); Partnership of agreement ...
[PDF]Types of Legal Structure: Common Contractual ... - A&L Goodbody

The deed of constitution may be drafted to provide that income is distributed on an ... Partner. T: +353 1 649 2344. E: [email protected]. Michael Barr.
Note from asker:
Thank you Allegro. Yes it's a scrappy sort of area.
Peer comment(s):

agree TechLawDC : I wanted to call it an "Initial Partnership Contract", but the Internet foiled me. Sadly, there are numerous citations there for "Deed of Constitution" for partenariats of various types.
19 hrs
agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : Suitably generic and specific at the same time. or something along the same lines with "formation". Nothing to do with Busby Berkley just that partnerships (and companies) are "formed" in English, so...
2 days 22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all!"
1 hr

(Company) Statutes

for any articles of incorporation (partnership; LLC; Inc.)
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

Articles of Incorporation

For the U.S.
The target audience is important here.

For the UK, I'm not sure, as I'm not very familiar with UK company law. "Articles of Association", perhaps?
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

34 mins

fwiw, hth

Définition : Acte constitutif de société

Les statuts ou acte constitutif de la société constituent la charte fondamentale de la société et fixent ses règles de fonctionnement.
Dans la création d’une société, l’acte constitutif de société est l’élément clé. Les statuts donnent lieu à la naissance de la personnalité juridique (personne morale) qui peut par la suite agir en tant que telle et s’engager envers des tiers.
La société est créée au moyen d’un acte de constitution, selon la forme de la société, l’acte sera établi par acte authentique (acte établi par un officier ministériel ou un notaire ) ou un acte sous seing prive ( acte signe par ses auteurs ). Le recours à l’acte notarié est indispensable pour les sociétés les plus répandues: sociétés anonymes, sociétés privées à responsabilité limitée, ou sociétés coopératives.
L’acte de constitution contient notamment les statuts de la société. Ce sont ses règles de fonctionnement.
Les statuts contiennent les clauses qui déterminent les règles de la société et régissent les rapports avec les personnes étrangères à la société, les rapports entre associés eux-mêmes et les pouvoirs de ses représentants.

Note from asker:
HelloWriteaway. Thank you. This forms the latest in a series of questions where we decided that "statuts" or Articles of Association (US Articles of Incorporation do not apply to this form of partnership
Something went wrong...
54 mins

Reference material

Knowing what the document must contain could be a start (I assume the document is merely being referred to and that you have not actually seen it?)

Les statuts doivent contenir, aux termes des articles L. 210-2 du Code de commerce, diverses mentions obligatoires, sous peine pour les associés de se voir exposer à des poursuites pénales :

La dénomination sociale, la forme, le siège social, l’objet social et la durée de la société,
Le capital social, et la répartition des parts entre les associés,
Le dépôt des fonds constitutifs des apports en numéraire,
L’évaluation des apports en nature.

Doivent également figurer dans cet acte de société, lorsqu’elles dérogent aux dispositions légales applicables en la matière, les clauses précisant :

Les conditions d’exercice de la gérance,
Les modalités de prise de décisions,
Les conséquences liées à la survenance de certains événements personnels aux associés.

Les statuts devront être accompagnés, le cas échéant, de l’état des actes accomplis pour le compte de la société préalablement à son immatriculation au registre du commerce et des sociétés, ainsi que du rapport du commissaire aux apports relatif à l’évaluation des apports en nature effectués.

La signature de tous les associés est ensuite requise soit directement, soit indirectement par le biais d’un mandataire choisi à cet effet. Ils devront parapher tous les originaux qui ont été dressés.

Note added at 57 mins (2018-07-08 12:22:04 GMT)

Note: Despite the above sounding like Articles of Association, this IS from an aricle with the heading Modèle de statuts SNC (société en nom collectif)
Note from asker:
Allegro! I'm surprised at you. This is a TRANSLATION forum and indeed I am looking for a forum of words in the ENGLISH language AND it's not useful background as this that awfull Swiss ScMA again
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Daryo : "Knowing what the document must contain could be a start.." - sounds like a sound method to me ...
15 hrs
the prrof of the pudding is in the ingredients
disagree pascie : irrelevant
232 days
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