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Jul 4, 2018 13:28
6 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term

Ramp up table

English to Serbian Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng
M takes pride in being a detail-oriented and innovative wafer dicing service provider. We are committed to providing superior customer service, while utilizing advanced technology and processes. This allows us to decrease the costs to our customers and increase the quality of their product. Each wafer will be diced with specially customized parameters to minimize yield loss. We utilize Loadpoint dicing saws, which have Windows based operating systems, allowing us to easily use techniques such as multi-pass cuts, ramp up table/ feed rates, and plunge cuts. We also keep in stock a variety of blade types, which allow us to process different materials and thicknesses while maintaining cut quality.
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Jul 4, 2018 13:28: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Proposed translations

5 days

повећати брзину обраде (силиконских) вафера

Након силне приче, ово би било оно право:

повећати брзину обраде/израде (силиконских) вафера

P.S. Захваљујући одличној анализи значења „ramp up + table“ колеге Дарета, али прилично „упрсканој“ његовим „палачинкама“ - проблем стручности, сигурно ће он то разумети и радити на „improvement“ :-).
Peer comment(s):

19 hrs
disagree Daryo : једноставно чисти плагијат - није чак ни "шија уместо врата" него је "шија уместо шије" // како крстити полупроизвод од кога се праве штампана кола није део питања
2 days 5 hrs
То је стандардни технички термин који користе стручњаци. BTW, не ради се о „штампаним колима“, већ о „интегрисаним колима“, разлика је баш велика – опет твоји технички „гафови“! А ако није у вези са питањем, шта ће онда „палачинке“ ;-) у твом предлогу?
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11 hrs
English term (edited): ramp up [table/ feed] rates

знатно повећати брзину обраде силиконских "палачинки"

you have to look at the whole of:

"to ramp up ... rates"

table rates or feed rates boils down to the same: faster production process, more wafers diced for the same production time.

you also could try to translate separately "table rates" and "feed rates".

rates as in "the speed of production" i.e. more "tables" per unit of time, faster "feeding" of the production process (the "production being here the "dicing of wafers")

to ramp sth up
— phrasal verb with ramp UK ​ /ræmp/ US ​ /ræmp/ verb
If a business ramps up its activity, it increases it:

The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.
To stay competitive, they'll have to ramp up product development as well as cut prices.
to increase the speed, power, or cost of something:

Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days.
Mitsubishi has ramped up the speed of its new micro-controllers.
Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

Increasing and intensifying
SMART Thesaurus
The SMART Thesaurus shows synonyms, related words and phrases that make up this topic.

-ify a snowball effect idiom accretion accumulate accumulative add fuel to the fire idiom amplify ascending balloon be in/go into high gear idiom blaze boom boost build build (sb/sth) up build-up bump bump sth up crank crank sth up creep creep up crescendo dial dial sth up en- escalate expand explode explosion explosive fade fade (sth) in fan fester fuel gain gear go go into orbit idiom go into the stratosphere idiom go up grow growing heighten hot hot up increase increment inflame intensify jump leap lift magnify maximize mission creep mount mount up mounting multiply mushroom orbit pile pile (sth) up proliferate propagate pump pump sth up push push sth up/down quicken rack rack sth up raise ramp ramp sth up ratchet ratchet sth up/down redouble resurge rise rocket scale scale sth up shoot shoot up snowball soar speed-up spike spurt stake step step sth up supersize surge temperature the stratosphere up upsurge

In the context of manufacturing integrated circuits, wafer dicing is the process by which die are separated from a wafer of semiconductor following the processing of the wafer. The dicing process can involve scribing and breaking, mechanical sawing (normally with a machine called a dicing saw)[1] or laser cutting. All methods are typically automated to ensure precision and accuracy.[2] Following the dicing process the individual silicon chips are encapsulated into chip carriers which are then suitable for use in building electronic devices such as computers, etc.

During dicing, wafers are typically mounted on dicing tape which has a sticky backing that holds the wafer on a thin sheet metal frame. Dicing tape has different properties depending on the dicing application. UV curable tapes are used for smaller sizes and non-UV dicing tape for larger die sizes. Once a wafer has been diced, the pieces left on the dicing tape are referred to as die, dice or dies. Each will be packaged in a suitable package or placed directly on a printed circuit board substrate as a "bare die". The areas that have been cut away, called die streets, are typically about 75 micrometres (0.003 inch) wide. Once a wafer has been diced, the die will stay on the dicing tape until they are extracted by die-handling equipment, such as a die bonder or die sorter, further in the electronics assembly process.

Note added at 7 days (2018-07-12 02:08:55 GMT)

"tables" involved in wafer dicing are of this kind:

but still it's not obvious what's the difference between "table rates" and "feed rates"

"feed rate" would be the rate at which the table is feed with new wafers

while "table rates" could be the speed of dicing one wafer.

One way or another it still boils down "to speed of production".
Peer comment(s):

disagree gavrilo : Даре, какве су ти сад то „силиконске палачинке“ (можда и са „силиконским“ џемом, орасима...? ;)! У овом контексту је: EN: wafer = SR: вафер (полупроводнички материјал). // Значи, признајеш да си баш омануо, тј. нису „палачинке“ (са џемом/орасима) ;
3 days 19 hrs
wafer = "подлога која садржи полупроводнички материјал" if you want to split hairs on WHAT IS NOT the point of this question. in case you didn't notice.
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Reference comments

4 days

Kako se prave procesori?

U edukativnom tekstu koji sledi, je na vrlo slikovit način objašnjen proces kreiranja procesorskog vafera, ali i samog procesora kao gotovog proizvoda. Svaki od kratkih tekstualnih komentara se odnosi na ilustracije koje su postavljene iznad

Ingot se seče u individualne silicijumske diskove koji se zovu vaferi.

Note added at 5 days (2018-07-09 19:54:35 GMT)

Електротехнички факултет, Београд
Докторска дисертација

Ако је највиши ниво кеша SRAM меморија, то се ради због повећања приноса силицијумског вафера (енг. silicon wafer) и смањења цене производње, а ако је највиши ниво кеша DRАМ меморија (тзв. eDRAM), то се ради из технолошких разлога.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

disagree Daryo : то није део питања, нити има било каквог утицаја на значење израза "to rump up"
2 days 14 hrs
То није одговор-предлог, већ референца у вези са ширим контекстом, а и твојим „палачинкама“ ;-) Шта сад ту није тачно?
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