Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

obiect principal de activitate

English translation:

class of the main activity

Added to glossary by Péter Tófalvi
Dec 8, 2016 07:32
7 yrs ago
55 viewers *
Romanian term

obiect principal de activitate

Romanian to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Actele constitutive ale firmelor includ descrierea domeniului principal de activitate (cod CAEN XXX), apoi obiectul principal de activitate (cod CAEN XXXX).

Una dintre traduceri este business scope.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +1 class of the main activity


Lara Barnett Dec 13, 2016:
Scope You would need to say "out of scope", but can evade the problem by just by using "main scope of activities". However, choosing between scope and purpose, I would say say that purpose is the more commonly used term for company and administrative documents in UK.
Annamaria Amik Dec 13, 2016:
You could say: General purpose of the business for "domeniu principal de activitate" and Specific purpose of the business for "obiect principal de activitate", but you actually need to understand the context.
A company can have many activities, one of them is the main activity we're talking about here. You can't use "scope", because then the other, non-main or secondary activities would be what? Out of scope?...

Please don't quote wikipedia, it's written by contributors. Perhaps you could look up I'm OK with purpose, but not scope :)

But even so, we need more relevant context for the English word you proposed. Under General purpose, the wiki article states "all lawful business", but this is not definitely applicable here, we are talking about a specific activity.

Perhaps General field of the main activity vs. Specific field of the main activity could work.
Lara Barnett Dec 13, 2016:
@ Annamaria - Business purpose UK English uses "business purpose" throughout company laws and administrative areas. This is a main section in filing company names for incorporation, tax purposes etc.

"Business purpose - It would describe the incorporated tasks a company has to do or provide. At present, only two types of business purpose clauses are used. They are:...."
Lara Barnett Dec 13, 2016:
Class I have read the NACE webpages. I ust think the word is too general, and "clasă" seems to be the translation used for "class" anyway. There is a difference even in Romanian between "obiect" and "clasă".
Annamaria Amik Dec 13, 2016:
No, it is not. Obiect de activitate means a company's activity as classified according to NACE (called CAEN in Romanian). You need to look at the whole context.
The NACE categorizes activities into Sections, Divisions, Groups, and Classes.
Lara Barnett Dec 13, 2016:
obiect I think this is related to the purpose of the business, not the classification of this purpose. I like business scope also.

Proposed translations

11 mins

class of the main activity

Cum am discutat şi în perechea ro-hu, certificatele constatatoare conţin doar activitate principală şi activităţi secundare, ambele identificate cu codul clasei din CAEN, cel format din 4 cifre.

Deoarece multe firme la înfiinţare includ în actul constitutiv toate activităţile care nu necesită autorizare specială, e clar că nu poate fi vorba de grupa (identificată prin 3 cifre) tuturor activităţilor posibile incluse, ci doar grupa activităţii principale, aşa cum reiese de fapt şi din întrebarea ta.
Sistemul de codificare pentru CAEN Rev. 2 cuprinde:
- un prim nivel, constând în titluri identificate printr-un cod alfabetic (secţiuni);
- un al doilea nivel, constând în titluri identificate printr-un cod numeric de două cifre (diviziuni);
- un al treilea nivel, constând în titluri identificate printr-un cod numeric de 3 cifre (grupe);
- un al patrulea nivel, constând în titluri identificate printr-un cod numeric de 4 cifre (clase).

Aceeaşi treabă în engleză:
Structure and coding of NACE
19. NACE consists of a hierarchical structure (as established in the NACE Regulation),
the introductory guidelines and the explanatory notes. The structure of NACE is
described in the NACE Regulation as follows:
i. a first level consisting of headings identified by an alphabetical code (sections),
ii. a second level consisting of headings identified by a two-digit numerical code
iii. a third level consisting of headings identified by a three-digit numerical code
iv. a fourth level consisting of headings identified by a four-digit numerical code

Consider că nu are rost să inventăm traduceri care nu înseamnă nimic şi nu sunt clare (business scope ar însemna de fapt sfera sau întinderea, cuantifabilă, a activităţii). Aşa că propun această variantă, pentru că exact la asta se referă.

Note added at 13 mins (2016-12-08 07:45:14 GMT)

Scuze, am mâncat câteva litere din "cuantificabilă" :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Alexandranow
3 hrs
neutral Lara Barnett : I don't understand how this can be "class", even the Romanian text uses "clase" for "class". / We would use "category" here, not class, maybe that is why it sounds a little odd.
4 days
You need to look at the whole context. Obiect de activ is 100% a company's activity, here, its main activity. Over 35k pages of translation, never seen a companies register extract use "purpose of business" for this, especially with the NACE num. code
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