Oct 20, 2015 07:57
9 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Other Business/Commerce (general)
Schon von Beginn an ist die Expertenausbildung hier in unserem Forschungsinstitut in XXX verortet.

Kontext: aus einer Rede, die anlässlich des 40. Jahrestages der Gründung des Forschungsinstituts gehalten wird. Konkret lässt man hier gerade die Geschichte des Instituts Revue passieren. Der Satz bezieht sich darauf, dass in dem Institut von Anfang an Sachverständige für eine Fachrichtung ausgebildet wurden.

Meine Versionen:

Right from the outset, our research institute in XXX has been home to this specialist training.

Right from the outset, this specialist Training has been placed with our research institute.

Right from the outset, this specialist Training has been located at our research institute.

Kann man das auf Englisch so schreiben, welcher Satz klingt auf Englisch am besten?
Oder gibt es grundsätzliche bessere Möglichkeiten, den Sachverhalt auf Englisch zu formulieren?

Danke im Voraus für Eure Unterstützung!
Proposed translations (English)
3 +7 takes place
3 +2 embedded within/fostered/provided
4 located in
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Oct 20, 2015 12:19: Lancashireman changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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Björn Vrooman Oct 20, 2015:
@Ramey and Lissie I always prefer less literal translations, as they have you grapple with fewer pitfalls. It's about being understood and transporting the message and not about who can best imitate Google.

I really like Ramey's suggestions, also because they don't move around parts of the sentence so often. As a general rule, what's left of the subject in German should be kept at the left side - otherwise, you shift the emphasis and that makes little sense. Also, remember what the Duden says about "verorten": einen festen Platz in einem bestimmten Bezugssystem zuweisen

Something such as "take place" / "held at" would be way too weak, IMO. The nuances thing again, Ramey.

Another option, depending on the sentence before that one (which you unfortunately did not add):
From the very beginning, these specialists have been trained right here at our research facility in Guacamole City (don't ask me how I thought of that placeholder...my tacos are running out).

Mind you that no-one has so far bothered to include the description of the location ("in XXX" in your sentence) or the word "hier."

PS: "integral" - yes, that's what I thought of at first too. Would "integral part" pass your litmus test too?
Lissie123 (asker) Oct 20, 2015:
Thanks to all!

Your contributions are really helpful. Will play around with them and hope to find the best solution for my text!

Thanks a lot!
Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 20, 2015:
Rooted, embedded are other possibilities,

@Donald - I'm not so sure your translation is correct, as it is too literal. Of course, the training is located at the institute, but that's not exactly what the text is trying to relate. (in my opinion, of course)
Donald Jacobson Oct 20, 2015:
I agree with Ramey. My translation is correct, but Ramey's sound better.
Ramey Rieger (X) Oct 20, 2015:
Good morning Lissie! Deine Versionen sind gar nicht so verkehrt. Du allein kennst den Ton des Textes. Es hat aber, glaube ich, weniger mit dem tatsächlichen Ort zu tun, und mehr mit einer Qualität des Instituts. Meine Ideen sind weniger wörtlich:
- From the very beginning, our research institute has fostered specialized training.
- Since our genesis/inception, our research institute has provided training for specialists.
- Advanced specialist training/education has been an integral aspect of our research institute since the very beginning

and so on and so forth....

Proposed translations

29 mins

takes place

Obviously "located" is the literal translation, but I find the concept of "training" being "located" anywhere a bit strange. Concrete objects can be located somewhere, but I'm less sure about an abstract thing such as "training". Would a native speaker say "Where is the training located?" - I think not: they would say something like "Where does the training take place?" or "Where is the course held?"

You could play around with:

Our specialist training courses have always been held at XXX.

Our research institute has been the base for / the home of our specialist training right from the start.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Or is provided.
6 mins
agree Kristina Cosumano (X)
4 hrs
agree Michael Martin, MA : I'd go with "held at" and none of the others
7 hrs
agree Cetacea
7 hrs
agree Andrea Garfield-Barkworth
9 hrs
agree Michele Fauble
10 hrs
agree Alexandra Weissgerber
2 days 1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
7 mins

located in

small t for training.

Note added at 12 mins (2015-10-20 08:09:51 GMT)

She looked me directly in the eyes.
I am currently staying in a hotel.
My hometown is Los Angeles, which is in California.

Note added at 13 mins (2015-10-20 08:10:28 GMT)

Prepositions "On," "At," "In" - Basic English Grammar - Talk English
www.talkenglish.com › grammar › prepo...
Mobile-friendly - A preposition is used to show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object . Here are a few common prepositions ...
Something went wrong...
35 mins

embedded within/fostered/provided

there are SO many possibilities

Since the very beginning, specialized training has been embedded within our research institute.
Peer comment(s):

agree Michele Fauble
10 hrs
Thank you, Michele
agree Björn Vrooman : See also discussion posts. Your abundant creativity made this an easy choice. You have also been the only one staying close to the meaning of "verorten" from the beginning.
1 day 58 mins
Well, it seems that other colleagues have a different opinion, but I stand behind my suggestion. Much obliged, Björn.
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