Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Une équipe acquise aux intérêts des élèves

English translation:

A team committed to the interests of the students / pupils / children

Added to glossary by islander1974
Feb 20, 2015 22:17
9 yrs ago
French term

Une équipe acquise aux intérêts des élèves

French to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy Talking about teachers
Saying something about experienced/ knowledgeable teachers and putting the interests of children first. I think it's the "aux" that's confusing me here
Change log

Feb 21, 2015 04:10: Yolanda Broad changed "Term asked" from "Une equipe acquise aux interets des eleves" to "Une équipe acquise aux intérêts des élèves"

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Non-PRO (1): Yvonne Gallagher

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Proposed translations

14 mins
French term (edited): Une equipe acquise aux interets des eleves

A team committed to the interests of the students / pupils / children

"Pupils" would be fine in British English, albeit perhaps just a touch old-fashioned nowadays. "Students" is used quite often even for children. But "children", if this does refer to children, might be the most natural choice. I'd include the article because I think it's talking about a specific lot of students/children.

I think "acquis á" could be translated as "committed to"; it literally means something like "won over to". Oxford Hachette gives the example "Il est acquis à notre cause", translating it as "We have his support".
Peer comment(s):

agree Yolanda Broad
5 hrs
Thanks, Yolanda!
agree Ph_B (X)
9 hrs
Thanks, Ph_B!
agree katsy : agree with your explanation of "acquise à". I think in GB they tend to say 'students' quite often now, even for schoolchildren// me too! They've got all the time in the world to grow up....
13 hrs
Thanks, katsy! You're right, though it still sounds a bit odd to me.
agree Elizabeth Slaney
1 day 18 hrs
Thanks, Liz :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci! :-)"
4 mins
French term (edited): Une equipe acquise aux interets des eleves

team that supports the interests of students

That's how I see it.
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
11 mins
agree Verginia Ophof
35 mins
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24 mins
French term (edited): Une equipe acquise aux interets des eleves

a team biased towards the interests of students

another translation
Peer comment(s):

neutral Francis Marche : biased est chargé de connotations négatives
1 day 16 hrs
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12 hrs

a team which puts the interest of children first

I don't see a problem with using your own idea as that is what this means. The educational

team will give preference to the children's interests
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1 day 16 hrs

devoted to the interest of the students

as in there :


March 21, 1969

Doylestown, Penna. 18901
devoted to the interest of the
students of Delaware Valley College

or there :

"équipe acquise aux intérêts des élèves" is slightly old-fashioned phrase btw.
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