Feb 6, 2014 20:51
10 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) Bank statement
From a bank statement for a postal worker in Cameroon.

The whole item is:

Pai Prélev. No. PREL/SALAIRE

The amount for this item is debited from the account holder's account.

I have assumed this an abbreviation of "prélèvements sur salaire" = "DEDUCTIONS FROM SALARY"
especially as this comes straight after the item with the incoming salary payment.

Am I right?
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Elizabeth Niklewska (asker) Feb 6, 2014:
Payslip / bank statement comment Daryo, these details may appear on the bank statement because the account is held with the Cameroonian Post Office and so this may explain the higher level of detail??
Tony M Feb 6, 2014:
@ Daryo Yes, but we don't know anything about the specific local banking and/or payroll context over there in Cameroon.
Daryo Feb 6, 2014:
"salary deductions" seems the obvious solution, but there's one element that doesn't add up.
I would normally appear on a payslip, not on a bank statement.
Timothy Rake Feb 6, 2014:
salary deductions or in US English we might say "withholdings"

Proposed translations

12 mins

deduction from salary/deduction at source/deduction from wages/salary deduction

Yes, you are right - amongst other options

Note added at 12 mins (2014-02-06 21:03:59 GMT)

cf. Termium
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Weston
21 mins
agree Jean-Claude Gouin
3 days 8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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