This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Sep 3, 2013 18:28
10 yrs ago
French term

mains lobby

French to English Other Tourism & Travel Communications services company website
I'm baffled. Do they just mean "the main lobby"?

Canal de communication
- L'outil idéal de promotions de vos services
- Diffusez vos propres informations sur votre réseau d'écrans existant :
En chambre, sur les écrans de l'accueil, des **mains lobby**, salles de séminaire ou des lieux de passage.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +7 the main lobbies
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (2): Rob Grayson, Tony M

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Tony M Sep 3, 2013:
@ Claude No point 'removing' the question now it's been asked, and people have gone to the trouble of contributing.
claude-andrew (asker) Sep 3, 2013:
@Tony Yes, sorry about that. In defence, "just what I thought" came after I'd posted - and you answered so quickly (as you usually do!) that I didn't remove the question, which I will do forthwith.

Proposed translations

3 mins
French term (edited): les mains lobby

the main lobbies

It seems from the 'des' that there must be several of them, and they have attempted to invent a plural following FR rules, which unfortunately don't work in EN ;-)

Note added at 4 mins (2013-09-03 18:32:48 GMT)

Oh of course, it just means the main lobbies in lots of establishments... I hadn't quite understood the question properly.

Note added at 52 mins (2013-09-03 19:21:25 GMT)

Of course, in that case, the 'des' is partitive, so it should just be 'main lobbies', without the def. article
Note from asker:
Just what I thought Tony, but one's never sure if one's missing something!
Peer comment(s):

agree Marie Jackson : Seems about right!
1 min
Thanks, Marie!
agree philgoddard
1 min
Thanks, Phil!
agree JaneD : Yes, I think this is right - ugh, what a horrible expression!
12 mins
Thanks, Jane!
agree Bashiqa
21 mins
Thanks, Chris!
agree writeaway : good grief Charlie Brown. a 2 second spin on Goggle.....
25 mins
Thanks, W/A!
agree Daryo
1 hr
Merci, Daryo !
agree Jean-Claude Gouin : Like Jane said ... 'What a horrible expression!'
9 hrs
Merci, J-C ! :-)
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