Apr 7, 2013 06:23
11 yrs ago
13 viewers *
English term


English to French Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Our major stakeholder is a renewable energy investment fund managed by XXx, an energy and power-focused investment firm.

Peut-on dire qu'un fonds d'investissement est un partenaire ? Comment tourner la phrase ? Merci !


papier Apr 7, 2013:
Donc, il faut voir, par exemple, si le mot partenaire peut être compris aussi comme des fournisseurs ou la force de travail.
Christine Correcher (asker) Apr 7, 2013:
merci Helena. La société en question développe des projets éoliens. Il ne s'agit pas ici d'actionnaires.
papier Apr 7, 2013:
Stakeholder est un mot qui a un sens large en Anglais. Fréquemment on l'utilise pour parler d'un fournisseur (des produits ou des services) et même des ouvriers d'une entreprise. Ce serait plus facile répond la question si vous nous dites quel est le secteur d'activité de la compagnie qui va publier ce texte.

Proposed translations

37 mins

notre principal partenaire

en se referant a la definition suivante il me semble que l'on peut parler de partenaire :

stakeholder: person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business
Peer comment(s):

agree Savvas SEIMANIDIS
12 mins
agree mchd
24 mins
1 hr
neutral writeaway : but if I saw this in French or if someone had to produce a back translation, it's very doubtful that it would be translated as stakeholder. un partenaire is a partner.
4 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
37 mins

Notre fonds d'investissement principal concerne

stakeholder = acteur, partie prenante. Je tourne la phrase pour l'éviter, certes! Ou bien "Nous mettons en avant un fonds d'investissement...
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1 hr


Le gouvernement est le seul actionnaire de la Société et, en tant que tel, est le principal intervenant.
The Government is the Corporation's sole Shareholder, and as such is a prime stakeholder.

Le gouvernement du Canada est ainsi le principal intervenant de la Société et CDC peut également être perçue comme une organisation de commerce entre entreprises..
As a result, the Government of Canada is DCC's primary stakeholder and DCC can be viewed similarly as a business-to-business organization..
Example sentence:

stakeholder n (investor, sb with interest in outcome) intervenant, intervenante n

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2 hrs

= shareholder = actionnaire

stakeholder : a person or company that has invested in a business and owns part of it

stakeholder - synonyms or related words for stakeholder - Macmillan ...
www.macmillandictionary.com/.../stakeh... - Traduire cette page
Comprehensive list of synonyms for stakeholder, related words for stakeholder and other words for stakeholder by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus
Note from asker:
merci !
Peer comment(s):

agree Peter LEGUIE : Yes, or "détenteur de parts" depending upon the legal structure of the firm.
20 mins
neutral writeaway : not here. it's more of a partie prenante, even 'acteur'.
58 mins
sorry but if you read the sentence, there is a very good chance that this is precisely what it is. My only reservation concerns context - it being meagre. I thought of "acteur" and rejected it.
agree Françoise L'HEVEDER (X) : Dans ce contexte, actionnaire semble le terme qui convient. Certes si partenaire peut aller la référence à la participation financière est moins explicite.
9 hrs
agree Irène Guinez
22 hrs
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3 hrs

parties prenantes

Not only the share holders but all parties that have benefits in the company
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Peer comment(s):

agree papier
10 hrs
agree François Begon
22 hrs
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43 mins


ou 'partenaire', effectivement.

"XXX was established in early 2011 in partnership with Riverstone Holdings to finance the development and construction"
(on the About Us/History page of XXX's website)

Note added at 46 mins (2013-04-07 07:10:40 GMT)

'moteur' pourrait peut-être convenir ici

Note added at 47 mins (2013-04-07 07:11:44 GMT)

'élément moteur'

Note added at 8 hrs (2013-04-07 15:09:06 GMT)

'entité composante'
Note from asker:
merci !
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3 days 1 hr

bailleur de fonds

i imagine that the energy investment firm in the source text extract provides some funding to an unmentioned body which the author belongs to.
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