Nov 20, 2012 13:33
11 yrs ago
22 viewers *
English term

Foster Care Adoption

English to Spanish Social Sciences Law (general) Adoptions

The foster care adoption program requires a joint effort between the agency & the adoptive family.


Marta Moreno Lobera Nov 20, 2012:
Si tradujésemos "foster care adoption program" como "familia de acogida" o "acogida familiar", estaríamos omitiendo el término "adopción" y aludiendo a un concepto distinto. El enlace que incluyo diferencia dos tipos de adopción: la adopción a través de este sistema (acogimiento familiar) en la que la familia recibe ayudas hasta la mayoría de edad del menor, y la adopción privada y definitiva.

La misma frase incluye el término "familia adoptiva"...

"The foster care adoption program requires a joint effort between the agency & the adoptive family", es decir, "El programa de adopción a través del acogimiento familiar exige un esfuerzo conjunto entre la agencia y la familia adoptiva".

"familia de acogida" es simplemente "foster family"...

Marta Moreno Lobera Nov 20, 2012:
Siento discrepar pero que este régimen no acabe en adopción definitiva no exime de la utilización del término "programa de adopción a través de acogimiento familiar" como equivalente de "foster care adoption program"... "In most states foster parents who train to foster children ages 0-5 are to be willing to adopt the child if reunification with the birth family is not possible. Usually, the state department of human services pays for the adoption legal fees and the child receives Medicaid until they are 18. In some cases, depending on the child’s needs, a monthly subsidy is given to the adoptive family after the adoption. This subsidy is based on the child’s emotional, developmental, mental and physical needs. There are many other resources for adoptive families of these children that do not cost the foster adopt family any money. As the child grows and other needs arise, the subsidy amount can be revised.

The downfall of foster adopt is that you simply do not get to choose a “perfect” newborn or other specifics. You simply cannot control the factors involved. Another downfall is that you never know until the adoption is final if you are ever going to be able to adopt."

Proposed translations

16 mins

familia de acogida


~ family familia f de acogida;
~ home casa f de acogida de menores

They were his foster parents, not his biological parents.
Ellos eran sus padres de acogida, no sus padres biológicos.

Hola, María:

Se trata de hogares que acogen en su casa a niños cuyas familias no les pueden seguir atendiendo por el motivo que sea. No constituye una adopción, sino que la familia de acogida tiene al niño en casa hasta que se encuentra a la familia adoptiva definitiva o los problemas con la familia biológica se solucionan (puede ser durante periodos cortos, días incluso, a un año o más).


Note added at 19 hrs (2012-11-21 09:14:20 GMT)

Como bien dice Mercedes, el término encajado en tu frase completa se refiere al proceso de adopción que tiene lugar después de un periodo de acogimiento familiar.
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrea Barbieri
9 mins
Muchas gracias, Andrea.
agree Manuel Locria
10 mins
Manuel, ¡gracias!
agree María Perales
1 hr
¡Gracias, María!
agree cbcn
1 hr
Muchas gracias, cbcn.
neutral Marta Moreno Lobera : Hola Rosa: IMO, esta propuesta corresponde a "foster care" (acogimiento temporal), no al término completo "foster care adoption" que es un régimen especial de adopción a través del sistema de acogimiento familiar. Incluyo un link con la expl. Un saludo :)
1 hr
¡Tienes toda la razón, Mercedes!
agree Jesús Morales : Se trata de un programa de familias de acogida. de Acogida Web.pdf En este último enlace se explica que la acogida no tiene por que acabar en adopción.
3 hrs
Gracias, Jesús.
agree Ana Myriam Garro (X) : Creo que además de tu traducción, que en mi opinión es correcta, el link que incluyó Jesús confirma y aclara el sentido. Saludos
1 day 22 hrs
agree NTRAD
6 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
36 mins

acogida temporal

Otra opción.
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36 mins

Foster Care/Adoption (Program), (Programa de) Acogimiento Familiar (temporal) y Adopción

¿Podría haber una barra entre ambos términos? Son dos conceptos diferentes.

"What is the Foster Care/Adoption Program?
The Foster Care/Adoption program:

Finds temporary and/or permanent homes for children who have been removed from their families due to child abuse or neglect.
Provides ongoing support and education to our licensed foster and adoptive families.
Helps families decide if foster care and/or adoption is right for them.
Provides orientations and education (through our Foster/Adoptive Parent Preparation program) for families interested in becoming foster or adoptive parents.
Provides ongoing financial assistance to adoptive families through the Adoption Assistance program as well as limited post-adoption support for adoptive families with young children and information services for adult adoptees."

Véanse diferencias entre conceptos: ACOGIMIENTO FAMILIAR_comp...

Note added at 42 mins (2012-11-20 14:15:18 GMT)

Si ambos términos están juntos, el concepto se referiría a "foster care adoption"...

"ADOPCIÓN A TRAVÉS DEL SISTEMA DE ACOGIMIENTO FAMILIAR" que no es lo mismo que una "adopción privada" ni que un "acogimiento familiar temporal".

"Foster Adopt vs. Private Adoption

In most states foster parents who train to foster children ages 0-5 are to be willing to adopt the child if reunification with the birth family is not possible. Usually, the state department of human services pays for the adoption legal fees and the child receives Medicaid until they are 18. In some cases, depending on the child’s needs, a monthly subsidy is given to the adoptive family after the adoption. This subsidy is based on the child’s emotional, developmental, mental and physical needs. There are many other resources for adoptive families of these children that do not cost the foster adopt family any money. As the child grows and other needs arise, the subsidy amount can be revised.

The downfall of foster adopt is that you simply do not get to choose a “perfect” newborn or other specifics. You simply cannot control the factors involved. Another downfall is that you never know until the adoption is final if you are ever going to be able to adopt. States generally aim for reunification of families and this can be very painful for the foster adopt family. This often means getting attached just to say goodbye in the end. The “goodbye factor” is generally too painful for most people to consider. In nearly 50% of foster care cases the child is reunified with their birth family.

Private adoption on the other hand can be handled in a number of ways. A would be parent can use an agency to match them with a pregnant woman who would like to give her child up for adoption. This enables would be parent to dictate criteria such as race. Private adoptions can be very beneficial to both parties involved. This way of adoption has less unknown factors than foster adopt and the plan is always to legally adopt in the end. For most people this would be their choice.

The downfall of private adoption is that would be parents generally pay for all agency and/or legal fees involved. At times would be parents may even be asked to pay for the birth mothers medical fees incurred during the pregnancy and birth of the child to be adopted. The agency fees alone can cost more than $30,000. "
Peer comment(s):

agree Laura Castro
2 hrs
Muchas gracias Laura. Un saludo.
agree Rosa Plana Castillón
19 hrs
Muchas gracias Rosa. Saludos.
agree Pablo F Medina
4 days
Muchas gracias Pablo. Saludos.
Something went wrong...
22 hrs
English term (edited): foster care adoption program

programa de adopción de niños en acogida temporal

This seems to be a program (like the one described below) that facilitates the adoption of children from foster care.

children in foster care = niños en acogida temporal

Interested in Adopting from Foster Care?

Are you adopting a foster child and need help with funding and benefits?

Note added at 1 day18 hrs (2012-11-22 07:54:43 GMT)

En este contexto, quizás la mejor traducción sea una que se refiera a "familias de acogimiento", ya que se trata de un programa que hace posible que dichas familias adopten, por lo que tal vez "progama de adopción para las familias de acogimiento" sea una opción adicional.

"familias de acogimiento"
About 25,300 results (0.12 seconds)"familias de acogimiento"&ie...

¡Espero que le sirva!
Saludos desde las Islas Marianas del Norte :-)

Note added at 1 day23 hrs (2012-11-22 13:24:17 GMT)

With all due respect to Mercedes, the suggestion of "programa de acogimiento familiar y adopción" sounds like two separate services, rather than the one service (to facilitate the adoption of foster children). As for the suggestion that includes "programa de adopción a través del sistema de acogimiento familiar" this translation may give one the impression that (prospective) adoptive parents do not need to be foster parents of the child FIRST, before being able to adopt. It sounds as if it were simply another (potentially easier) way to adopt a child (in need), when nothing could be further from the truth. The best translation here needs to make it very clear that this is a program for those who are already foster parents (and NOT for those who are simply looking to adopt).
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6 days

cuidado sustituto

Se trata de la adopción del menor que se encuentra bajo cuidado sustituto. Cómo resolver la traducción de la frase requiere que se incluya la oración completa. SI se trata del título de una sección, tendrá que traducirse con una frase más completa.
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