Oct 26, 2010 22:30
13 yrs ago
Italian term

vittrice militar fortuna

Italian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature Francisco de Goya / Italian sonnet
Hi there,
This is a short quote from a poem by Frugoni used as the theme for a competition Goya entered with the painting "Anibal vencedor..."

I am afraid I don't really speak Italian and haven't had much luck in my research, at least, I don't feel confident hazarding guesses...

Further context (in Spanish I'm afraid):
El bando decía que la pintura de historia debía representar a Aníbal alzándose la visera del casco, acompañado por un genio alado que le cogía de la mano, mientras, con expresión de gozo, divisaba los bellos campos de la Italia sometida y las victorias que estaban por llegar. Todo ello había sido extraído del soneto de Frugoni, sin duda el verdadero homenajeado de esa edición del concurso.
Con gran probabilidad Goya contó con el asesoramiento de alguien que supo traducirle el soneto de Frugoni para su correcta interpretación. Uno de los versos decía “vittrice militar fortuna”, lo que se corresponde a la perfección con la alegoría femenina.

Proposed translations

29 mins

victorious military destiny

Annibale sulle Alpi</>
Ferocemente la visiera bruna
Alzò sull Alpe l'african guerriero,
Cui la vittrice militar fortuna
Ridea superba nel sembiante altero

vittrice = vincitrice, vittoriosa
ridea = arrideva
fortuna = fortuna ma anche destino

la fortuna della vittoria militare era propizia (arrideva) al condottiero

I do not know any Spanish so I am unable to understand the sentence about how the poem was translated to Goya and the information about and the reference to the "alegoria feminina"
but hopefully someone with more knowledge of Spanish can help (is the allegory referred to the conquered land, Italy, or to victory itself? - both words with feminine gender in Italian (and Spanish?)

comment on page 264 text in google books

L'autore nella scelta delle parole e delle frasi, nel suono robusto dei versi, e in tutto il presto e risoluto andamento del sonetto, ha saputo ritrarre assai bene l'indole del suo eroe , che, pieno di gioventù, di valore, di fortuna e d'odio, getta dall'Alpi uno sguardo sulla sottoposta Italia, e discende a conquistarla

Note added at 31 mins (2010-10-26 23:01:37 GMT)

sorry about all the Italics, they were only meant for the first few lines to quote the poem text ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
3 hrs
agree BdiL : Sì. La tua foto funziona perché ha quella "ferita" rossa al centro, però preferivo il B/N. Sorrida/e la fortuna! Buona giornata. Maurizio
10 hrs
grazie! ogni tanto bisogna cambiare ;-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr

victorious military fortune

"Fortuna" debería traducirse como "fortune". Como en español "la fortuna me sonríe", o en italiano "fortuna rideva" (reía, literalmente) también se dice en inglés "fortune smiles".
Peer comment(s):

agree Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
2 hrs
neutral Daniela Zambrini : that is what I wrote in my explanation ;-)
6 hrs
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