Oct 20, 2010 19:55
14 yrs ago
English term
virtual social vacuum
English to French
Social Sciences
Government / Politics
"Restructuring has been taking place in a virtual social vacuum at EU level for too long."
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
9 hrs
[dans un contexte où le] social a pratiquement été évacué
ou encore "[...] dans une espèce de vide social"
ou bien : [les restructurations ont eu lieu] dans un contexte où le social avait pratiquement disparu
dans un espèce d'effondrement social
voir :
De même, les restrictions à la libre circulation des personnes et des biens, y compris le personnel humanitaire international, ont isolé les Palestiniens sur leur propre territoire, entraînant de graves conséquences humanitaires, y compris le quasi effondrement de la vie économique, sociale, éducative et culturelle de la population locale.
ou bien : [les restructurations ont eu lieu] dans un contexte où le social avait pratiquement disparu
dans un espèce d'effondrement social
voir :
De même, les restrictions à la libre circulation des personnes et des biens, y compris le personnel humanitaire international, ont isolé les Palestiniens sur leur propre territoire, entraînant de graves conséquences humanitaires, y compris le quasi effondrement de la vie économique, sociale, éducative et culturelle de la population locale.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Merci beaucoup!"
24 mins
[les restructurations sont opérées] quasiment dans un vide social
c'est à dire que les restructurations effectuées par les sociétés ne doivent tenir compte d'aucune réglementation Européenne : l'Europe sociale , c'est quasiment le vide.
"The importance of industrial production
Maintaining and strengthening Europe’s industrial base is fundamental to securing the foundation and transformation of the EU economy and ensuring employment, social progress and cohesion in the future. Manufacturing industries are significant employment creators. Currently, manufacturing (excluding construction) is directly responsible for 20% of GDP in the EU-27, and an equal proportion in the euro-zone. Industrial goods account for the bulk of intra-EU trade at approximately 80%. Production growth in manufacturing industries has underpinned economic growth in Europe, with significant national and regional differences. The weight of manufacturing in the economy is heavier than employment in terms of value added in 19 of the 27 EU Member States, which indicates relatively high labour productivity. European manufacturing industry employs close to 40 million workers(2). Moreover, manufacturing provides employment multipliers through strong backward and forward linkages to other sectors in the economy and drives demand for industry-related services: every industrial job creates substantial numbers of additional jobs in the service sectors. The worsening economic climate is reflected in the fact that job losses arising from restructuring outnumber jobs created by nearly two to one - with the car sector hit harder than other sectors. With social Europe all but stalled, restructuring has been taking place in a virtual social vacuum at EU level. The negative effects of restructuring are still mainly to be dealt with by the national Governments. The EU globalisation and adjustment fund and the European Social and regional funds are too small to be an effective and decisive support. A much more developed social and employment policy on a European level is needed."
"The importance of industrial production
Maintaining and strengthening Europe’s industrial base is fundamental to securing the foundation and transformation of the EU economy and ensuring employment, social progress and cohesion in the future. Manufacturing industries are significant employment creators. Currently, manufacturing (excluding construction) is directly responsible for 20% of GDP in the EU-27, and an equal proportion in the euro-zone. Industrial goods account for the bulk of intra-EU trade at approximately 80%. Production growth in manufacturing industries has underpinned economic growth in Europe, with significant national and regional differences. The weight of manufacturing in the economy is heavier than employment in terms of value added in 19 of the 27 EU Member States, which indicates relatively high labour productivity. European manufacturing industry employs close to 40 million workers(2). Moreover, manufacturing provides employment multipliers through strong backward and forward linkages to other sectors in the economy and drives demand for industry-related services: every industrial job creates substantial numbers of additional jobs in the service sectors. The worsening economic climate is reflected in the fact that job losses arising from restructuring outnumber jobs created by nearly two to one - with the car sector hit harder than other sectors. With social Europe all but stalled, restructuring has been taking place in a virtual social vacuum at EU level. The negative effects of restructuring are still mainly to be dealt with by the national Governments. The EU globalisation and adjustment fund and the European Social and regional funds are too small to be an effective and decisive support. A much more developed social and employment policy on a European level is needed."
12 hrs
vide social quasi-total
ou quasi-vide social
12 hrs
en l'absence quasi-totale de législation sociale (au niveau européen)
proposition de formulation
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Michèle Voyer
: qui nous dit qu'il s'agit de législation, c'est peut-êre juste l'absence de structures sociales, ou l'absence de la société civile, hors contexte je ne spéculerais pas
5 mins
ça me parait plutôt clair, mais vous avez sans doute raison : c'est à l'asker de voir en fonction du texte complet.
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