Apr 20, 2010 15:24
14 yrs ago
4 viewers *
French term

sous peine de carence

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) Police report
Je m'engage à produire les pièces justificatives à mon dépôt de plainte le cas échéant dans les 5 jours sous peine de carence.

Explanation please on these last terms


RachidAmrani Apr 21, 2010:
Concerning carence: from a FR-EN dictionary carence:
2 (absence) lack; carence d'autorité lack of authority;
3 (manquement) shortcomings (pl); les carences de la loi the shortcomings of the law;
4 droit insolvency; procès-verbal de carence statement of insolvency;
5 administration délai de carence waiting period (for social security benefit).
RachidAmrani Apr 21, 2010:
Some explanation If the concerned person fails to provide the documents within the deadline (5days), he risks to be considered as defaulting/defaulted (noun: default)

Proposed translations

23 hrs

failing which your complaint shall lapse.

Note that where a French document says "Je m'engage à ...." the equivalent English document would turn it round say "You must.."
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25 mins

failing which they will not be accepted

Or anything along those lines.
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5 hrs

under penalty of non(-)suit/on pain of dismissal

Meaning that a judgment of nonsuit will be rendered against the plaintiff for failure to produce sufficient documentary evidence.
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9 hrs

at risk of default

de•fault /d{I}'f{phon_capo}:lt; 'di:/ noun, verb
> noun
1 [U, C] failure to do sth that must be done by law, especially paying a debt:

sous peine de /su pɛn də/

1. Introduit ce qui se passerait dans le cas contraire. Utilisé avec un infinitif.
* Vous obéirez sous peine de vous faire sanctionner.

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1 hr

, or "incomplete document submission" may be declared (onr' case may be held up/dismissed)


carence = lack of supporting documents (here)

sous peine de = risk being (translate it by "may")

I hope this helps.

Note added at 1 hr (2010-04-20 17:08:11 GMT)

Answer should read "ONE's case may be ..."

Note added at 1 hr (2010-04-20 17:10:34 GMT)

In other words, the case you filed may be held up or dismissed for incomplete document submission.

Note added at 9 hrs (2010-04-21 01:13:19 GMT)

sous peine de = subject to (with the risk)

I translated it by "or this may"

Note added at 9 hrs (2010-04-21 01:19:16 GMT)

I'm not sure that "evidence" should be in the translation. "Pièces justificatives" are simply "supporting documents", which could include evidence, I suppose. If you don't produce the supporting documents required for your case in the time limit, it may be held up or dismissed altogether.

Once we receive your complaint and supporting documents, we review it and in ... we may suggest that you consider filing an action in Small Claims Court or ...

Note added at 9 hrs (2010-04-21 01:22:07 GMT)

15 juin 2005 ... dans le cadre de l'exécution des grosses de jugement, de s'en tenir au constat de carence des pièces justificatives ; l'arrêt immédiat des ...
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Reference comments

31 mins

What is a default hearing? - Yahoo! Answers30 Jan 2008 ... if one person files a claim against another, usually BOTH show up and get a court decision as to how it is resolved. A DEFAULT hearing is when ONE ...
answers.yahoo.com › ... › Law & Ethics - Cached - Similar

Note added at 33 mins (2010-04-20 15:57:58 GMT)

sorry, didn't post all the refs.
sous peine de s'y noyer - WordReference Forums
That's the general idea. A few details however: Lecteur = reader. Vers = verses, poetry. Sous peine de... = at the risk of. ...
forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1580681 - Cached
déchéance - WordReference Forums
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 4 Jun 2008"Toute réclamation doit, sous peine de déchéance, être effectué par lettre..." ... I suggest "… at the risk of forfeiture… ...
forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=986139 - Cached
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J'affirme sous peine de resiliation de plein droit du marche > I ...
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 28 Aug 2008sous peine de = to do something to avoid the risk of ... I had no idea how O did that. sous peine de = at the risk of ...
www.proz.com/.../2787544-jaffirme_sous_peine_de_resiliation... - Cached
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sous peine de ne pouvoir se prévaloir d'une clause de force ...
(KudoZ) French to English translation of sous peine de ne pouvoir se prévaloir d'une ... at the risk of not being able to invoke the force majeure clause. ...


CARENCEVoir la traduction : /law-dictionary/details/5870/diccionario-legal/details/5870
Voir également
La carence, est la situation dans laquelle se trouve la personne qui s'est abstenue d'exécuter une obligation, laquelle peut consister dans un paiement, mais aussi, par exemple, dans le fait de ne pas s'être présentée à la convocation d'un expert ou d'un juge devant lesquels elle a été citée à comparaître en qualité de témoin. Le procès-verbal de carence est l'acte qui constate cette défaillance.

* Défaillance - (Économie): Définition
- [ Translate this page ]
Défaillance (default). Situation dans laquelle l'entreprise n'honore pas tout ou partie de ses obligations financières (non-paiement d'une mensualité de ...
fr.mimi.hu › Économie - Cached - Similar

What is a default hearing? - Yahoo! Answers
30 Jan 2008 ... if one person files a claim against another, usually BOTH show up and get a court decision as to how it is resolved. A DEFAULT hearing is when ONE ...
answers.yahoo.com › ... › Law & Ethics - Cached - Similar

Note added at 39 mins (2010-04-20 16:03:16 GMT)

seems to be implying that the person who is to supply the supporting documents will be in breach/default of an agreement, or the like.

Sorry, I don't do legal, but the references may help, who knows?
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