Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
English translation:
Spanish term
Is there another interpretation of this, another way of saying it? It just sounds wrong, really wrong.
Si se acepta ese horizonte, el juicio, y en suma la responsabilidad, corresponderá siempre en última instancia a quien se sitúe en una perspectiva escatológica, el que apueste por el ganador.
Rough draft:
If this horizon is accepted, judgement, and responsibility itself, in the end will always fall to the person who is situated in a scatological perspective, the one which backs the winner.
4 +6 | eschatological | Mercedes Rizzuti |
3 -3 | whoever takes a scatalogical stance/view(point)/perspective | David Hollywood |
Mar 24, 2010 11:42: Mercedes Rizzuti Created KOG entry
Non-PRO (1): Jim Tucker (X)
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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
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Proposed translations
Could it be the idea in the text?
Take a look at this link:
Yes, that is it, I think, I will have to read up on it. Now I feel a little silly, I just assumed it had only one meaning. |
whoever takes a scatalogical stance/view(point)/perspective
Note added at 9 mins (2010-03-19 21:29:23 GMT)
or to follow your own rendering: the person who takes etc.
Note added at 12 mins (2010-03-19 21:32:02 GMT)
my spelling is woeful :) ... should read "scatological" of course :)
disagree |
: I suggest you look up "scatological" in the dictionary!
1 hr
disagree |
Jim Tucker (X)
: Scatology and eschatology are miles apart.
8 hrs
disagree |
Carmen Schultz
: You probably should resubmit bec scatology has to do with excrement and eschatology has to do with destiny
9 hrs
Reference comments
;escatological; versus ;eschatological;
A adjective
1 eschatological
of or relating to or dealing with or regarding the ultimate destiny of mankind and the world
A adjective
1 scatological
dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions; "scatological literature"
Adapted From: WordNet 2.0 Copyright 2003 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
Note added at 18 hrs (2010-03-20 15:21:58 GMT)
Note: sorry about the semi- colons in the heading; they are not supposed to be there. I was trying to put single quotes and hit the wrong key- and, yes, as Jim noted, I added an 'e' inadvertently to scatological but the word below, in reference area with definition, is spelled correctly.
agree |
Jim Tucker (X)
: yes: but "scatological"; Spanish inserts an extra euphonic "e" that is not in the Greek.
30 mins
Thanks! The semi- colons in the heading they are not supposed to be there- I was trying to put single quotes and hit the wrong key-- o yes, I added an 'e' inadvertently to scatological but the word in reference definition I added is spelled correctly.
Something went wrong...