Feb 16, 2009 13:04
15 yrs ago
7 viewers *
French term


Non-PRO French to English Bus/Financial Geography marketing report
I am translating a marketing report for a business park and I am struggling with the term 'couronne' in this paragraph which appears under a graph:

L’activité s’est maintenue comparativement à 2007 sur la 1ère et 2nde couronne. Le retrait du placement sur Paris peut s’expliquer par 2 facteurs, soit par manque d’offres sur certains arrondissements, notamment à l’Est de la capitale, soit par réticence des entreprises à se positionner sur des immeubles à loyer élevé, dans le contexte actuel.

Does this refer to the 'arrondissements'?

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Feb 16, 2009 13:37: SJLD changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Feb 16, 2009 13:44: writeaway changed "Field (specific)" from "Business/Commerce (general)" to "Geography"

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Non-PRO (3): writeaway, Rob Grayson, SJLD

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Proposed translations

11 mins

first and second suburban ring

I would say in this context.

Note added at 14 Min. (2009-02-16 13:18:27 GMT)

It is not only used for population shifts but also for shifts in business:
Population Shifts Intensify from Montréal to its Suburban Ring. Québec, February 1, 2005 - Today the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) released new ...
www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/salle-presse/communiq/2005/fevrier/fevr... - 11k
Peer comment(s):

agree Jean-Louis S.
1 hr
thank you !
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for your help"
5 mins


This is just a guess, but would it mean "ring" in the sense of a radius around the core of the city? Thus you would have an inner ring, followed by a second ring etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree rkillings : Yep. Inner ring and outer ring.
16 hrs
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7 mins

"banlieue" areas

AFAIK "couronnes" refer to circular areas around Paris "intra muros". The following text is an extract from wikipedia (agglomeration parisienne). See ref below it.

La petite couronne [modifier]
Carte représentant Paris et les trois départements de la petite couronne

La petite couronne est la zone constituée des trois départements limitrophes de la ville de Paris : les Hauts-de-Seine (92), la Seine-Saint-Denis (93) et le Val-de-Marne (94). Elle a été urbanisée dès la fin du XIXe siècle et se caractérise par une très forte densité de population : elle atteint 10 000 habitants/km² dans les Hauts-de-Seine, soit plus que la majorité des centres-villes de la plupart des métropoles mondiales (pour exemple, Queens possède 8 000 habitants/km²). En outre, cette zone possède d'importantes fonctions de commandement, en particulier le quartier de La Défense. Par conséquent, si elle est administrativement considérée comme une banlieue, elle tend de plus en plus à être, sur le plan réel, une véritable expansion du centre ville.

La petite couronne, c'est 123 communes, et donc aussi 123 mairies indépendantes les unes des autres.

La grande couronne [modifier]

La grande couronne est l'ensemble des quatre départements périphériques de l'Île-de-France, non limitrophes de Paris. Elle se constitue de : la Seine-et-Marne (77), les Yvelines (78), l'Essonne (91) et le Val-d'Oise (95).
Peer comment(s):

agree Charles Hawtrey (X) : Or 'inner' and 'outer' suburbs
4 mins
Exactly! Thanks, Charles!
agree SJLD : yes, although I wouldn't call the grande couronne outer suburbs - I have a house in Essonne and it's definitely not suburban!
4 hrs
Fair enough :-) Thanks!
disagree Valerie SYKES : I disagree with the use of 'banlieu areas'. 1) It wouldn't be understood by most non-French speakers. 2) 'Banlieu' has a negative image - it makes people think of Paris' deprived crime-ridden high-rise council estates where there are high rates of crime.
19 hrs
Just for the record I never meant for the translation to be "banlieue area", was just explaining what "couronnes" refer to, this is how I understood the question. I should've made it clear straight away but was trying to be quick.
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32 mins


periphery: primary/immediate or secondary.
Maybe also relevant: Out-of-Centre - a location that is separated from a town centre but is not necessarily outside the built-up area.
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12 hrs

(Paris) proper vs. suburbs (of Paris)

1ère couronne = Paris proper

2nde couronne = the suburbs of Paris/Paris suburbs
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Reference comments

3 mins

Wikipedia explanation

This Wikipedia reference explains exactly what these terms mean:

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree writeaway : yeah, the same old story-seek and ye shall find
7 mins
agree Christophe G.
16 mins
Thanks, Chris
agree Jenn Mercer
42 mins
Thanks, Jenn
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48 mins

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Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Jean-Louis S.
49 mins
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