Mar 30, 2008 16:14
16 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Romanian term

realizarea obiectului social

Romanian to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Următoarele situaţii duc la dizolvarea societăţii:

- imposibilitatea realizării obiectului social

Vă mulţumesc anticipat


Cristina Moldovan do Amaral (asker) Mar 30, 2008:
este o enumerare a mai multor situaţii Următoarele situaţii duc la dizolvarea societăţii:

- imposibilitatea realizării obiectului social
- hotărârea Adunării generale a acţionarilor
- faliment

Mihaela Ghiuzeli Mar 30, 2008:
Da toata propozitia.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

to fulfil the purpose of its business

Am întâlnit o formulare foarte asemănătoare într-un act constitutiv pe care l-am tradus recent, şi anume:

"imposibilitatea realizării obiectivelor Societăţii"

Prin urmare, "social" cred că înseamnă "aparţinând societăţii comerciale", conform şi acestei definiţii din DEX online:

SOCIÁL, -Ă adj. (...) 4. Care aparţine unei societăţi comerciale.

În engleză însă, "social" nu are acest sens, referându-se mai degrabă la întreaga societate a unei ţări (adică, la populaţie) şi nu la o societate comercială. La noi unele societăţi comerciale au aşa-numite programe CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), dar în acest caz "social" înseamnă că firma vrea să "give something back to the community" (adică, să facă ceva în interesul populaţiei, ca să-şi amelioreze imaginea). Prin urmare, dacă aş vedea "social" într-un context de genul ăsta, aş înţelege că e vorba de obiective filantropice, ecologice sau aşa ceva.

Cred că ai putea reda sensul printr-o formulare de genul:

"the Company becomes unable to fulfil the purpose of its business"
"it becomes impossible for the Company to achieve its (business) objective(s)"

Note added at 2 hrs (2008-03-30 18:28:31 GMT)

referIndu-se, scuze.
Peer comment(s):

agree Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
4 hrs
Mulţumesc, Georgiana!
agree Mihaela Ghiuzeli : Maybe Peter. "achieve its objective is already taken" (LOL)
6 hrs
Mulţumesc, Mihaela! :)
agree Rose Marie Matei (X)
10 hrs
Mulţumesc, Rose!
15 hrs
Mulţumesc, Rodica!
agree Cristiana Coblis
22 hrs
Mulţumesc, Cristiana!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "mulţumesc!"
22 mins

inability to meet/fulfill the social scope

obiectul social = obiectul de activitate care in general se traduce prin social scope
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33 mins

failure to meet the social objectives

o idee....
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2 mins

failure to reach the social objectives

Care e contextul ?

Note added at 10 mins (2008-03-30 16:24:38 GMT)

pe baza contextului, cred ca ar merge.

Note added at 12 mins (2008-03-30 16:26:49 GMT)

"inability to reach...."

Note added at 1 hr (2008-03-30 17:18:39 GMT)

Ar merge si "goal" dar tu stii mai bine care este contextul mai larg.
"inability/failure to reach social objective/goals"
Note from asker:
Mulţumesc, Mihaela! Am uitat să adaug că este vorba despre o societate comercială.
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5 hrs

disappearance of substratum=it hasa become impossible for the comp. to achieve its object

The courts have, in the exercise of their powers under the "just and equitable" doctrine, made it abundantly clear that each case must be determined on its own facts. There emerge from the cases four situations in which the "just and equitable" rule will be applied:
• ***disappearance of substratum***: this involves a failure of the fundamental objectives of the corporation. The cases fall into three categories:
• the subject matter of the company is gone,
• the object for which it was incorporated has substantially failed, or
• it is impossible to carry on the business of the corporation except for at a loss;

• justifiable lack of confidence in the management of the corporation;

• deadlock; and

acum citez din cartea ENTREPENEURIAL LAW-butterworths 1993 h.s. cilliers pg. 4030 winding-up company
"where it becomes impossible for a company to achieve its object because the foundation or SUBSTRATUM of the company dissapeared, it is just and equitable that the company be wound up so that the a member can..."
" the failure of the substratum of the company is established by proof that it has become impossible for the company to achieve its object".

observ ca in Romania este tradus asa...dar in terminologia business law engleza terminologia este alta
The company is dissolute by

a.) Expiry of the company duration

b.) ***Impossibility of achieving its objet of activity****

c.) Declaration of the company's nullity

d.) Decision of the General Assembly
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