Feb 8, 2006 18:47
18 yrs ago
English term

Cooper’s Hill joke

English to Italian Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
"I suggested he was that already; but it is sometimes difficult to make an R.E. see a Cooper’s Hill joke, especially when he is your superior officer."
La premessa è che stanno piantando le bandiere per tracciare la linea che dovrà seguire la ferrovia.
Qualche suggerimento su questa citazione?


Barbara Poli (asker) Feb 8, 2006:
In realt� stanno parlando di un hindu che si � messo in mezzo alla linea ferroviaria che stanno costruendo... e il capo dice che l'hindu ha spostato una bandierina. Mentre il protagonista dice: "I suggested..." niente di troppo chiaro...
doba (X) Feb 8, 2006:
Cosa c'e pima di .. he was THAT already? Vedo da Google che Cooper's hill e famosa per un "Cheese rolling event" che ha luogo ogni anno da secoli. Ci potrebbe essere una relazione?

Proposed translations

13 hrs
English term (edited): Cooper�s Hill joke

scherzo da ingegneri (indigeni)

temo che sia un modo poco politically correct di dire uno scherzo da ingegneri (indiani)....come dire (in modo denigratorio o da snob) uno scherzo o una follia culturale da indigeni....

The Royal Indian Engineering College was a British college of Civil Engineering founded by Sir George Tomkyns Chesney in 1870. It was intended to train engineers for the Indian Public Works department. The college interiors were designed by English architect Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt. Today, the site at at Cooper's Hill, Surrey, is the Runnymede Campus of Brunel University.

[email protected]/shoreditch/pages/history.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://ca.geocities.com/[email protected]/shoreditch/...
The property at Cooper's Hill was originally a private residence, but it was first used for educational purposes when it was acquired in the 1870s as the future home of the Royal Indian Engineering College whose work was to train engineers, telegraphists and forestry officers for the public services in India, Burma and elsewhere.
As well as provoking fond memories, the College had a wider impact on education in many countries of the Commonwealth as well as in Britain

Note added at 13 hrs (2006-02-09 08:00:51 GMT)

il secondo link è:
[email protected]/shoreditch/pages/history.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://ca.geocities.com/[email protected]/shoreditch/...

Note added at 16 hrs (2006-02-09 11:27:07 GMT)

se non è troppo informale come soluzione potresti tradurre con qualcosa del tipo :
"è difficile spiegare ad un R.E. (presumo sia l'abbreviazione di Royal Engineer) un'indianata alla Cooper's Hill", però dipende dal resto del contesto (as usual :-) )
Peer comment(s):

agree doba (X) : Per me hai trovato il riferimento giusto!!!
9 hrs
agree paolamonaco : sì, è quello a cui avevo pensato anch'io
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie mille."
28 mins
English term (edited): cooper�s hill joke

see the what is all about here - not for points

"This prepared the way for the fame of Cooper’s Hill, the first edition of which bears date 1642. Aubrey describes the delight which Denham took in the neighbourhood of the house at Egham, which had come to him by the death of the elder Sir John, its builder, in 1639. 20 This neighbourhood, as seen from Cooper’s hill, was the subject of a poem which, combining description with moral reflection in an unfamiliar manner, was, as an example of that combination, the first of a long series. 16
The habit of mind which produced these united elements of description and sentiment was natural to Denham, and was expressed by him without difficulty. After the preliminary argument, addressed to the hill on which he stands, that it is the poet who makes Parnassus, not Parnassus which makes the poet, he refers to the distant view of London and old St. Paul’s. He prophesies the eternal security of the cathedral, restored by the bounty of Charles I, and celebrated by the lines in which Waller hailed its restoration, and contrasts the tumult of the city with the innocent happiness of private life. The nearer towers of Windsor move him to the praise of the royal line, culminating in Charles I. A contrast is provoked by the memory of a chapel, apparently belonging to Chertsey abbey, which stood on a neighbouring hill: this calls forth reflections on Henry VIII, and on the religious controversies of his own day. The Thames next receives his praise in lines containing the passage which begins “O could I flow like thee”—a passage, however, which is not to be found in the first edition of the poem. The fertile valley, with its wooded banks, suggests old stories of fauns, nymphs and satyrs, and a long description of a stag-hunt, in which the quarry falls at length a victim to the king’s shaft. Here, on Runnymede, says Denham, continuing the hunt in metaphor, Liberty, hunted by Power, once stood at bay, and Power laid down arbitrary tyranny. The poem concludes with a comment, appropriate to the times, upon the encroachments of subjects on kingly generosity, and with a warning against provoking the fury of a river, which may be guarded against by embankments, but cannot be confined in time of flood within a narrower channel. 17
The feature of the style of Cooper’s Hill is a forcible conciseness, aiming at constant antithesis and occasional epigram. The reflections on the spoliation of the monasteries consist of a string of shrewd observations."

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15 hrs
English term (edited): cooper�s hill joke

uno scherzo tipico di chi esce da Cooper Hill

aggiungi una nota sulla traduzione, spiegando la ricchezza in riferimenti e rimandi ceh rendono questo testo un testimone dei molteplici aspetti della realtà dell'India di inizio secolo, dei mondi paralleli degli indigeni e dei coloni ecc.
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